Where can students go online to find out when activities are happening?
Calendar on the website: jalc.edu
Calendar on the MyJALC student portal
We also provide free to students a student planner that includes scheduled activities and helpful student tools.
How much does one-on-one tutoring cost JALC Students?
Nothing! It's included in your fees.
What are some advantages of working on campus as a student worker?
Employment references for future jobs or scholarships
Building important personal and professional skills
Easily works around your class schedules
When does the FAFSA open each year?
October 1st
What is the mascot for John A. Logan College?
The Volunteers
How can students learn more about student clubs they’re interested in?
Contact the advisor listed in the club brochure or on the website under Student Life or visit the Student Life office.
If you need a notetaker, which specific office do you contact?
Disability Support Services
What must a student complete if he/she wants to work on campus?
In order to graduate, all JALC students must have a final cumulative GPA of at least a ______.
What item will get students free admission to plays, musicals, and athletic games?
JALC Student ID Card
If you are a first-generation college student, what program do you qualify for?
The TRIO Program
Which office do you call or visit to pay your bill?
Bursar's Office
What major holiday is General John A. Logan responsible for creating?
Memorial Day.
Mrs. Logan's idea, she told him that she had a wonderful idea to create a Decoration Day for Union soldiers who died in the "Late War of the Rebellion..." Thus Logan issued General Order No. 11, and Memorial Day was eventually celebrated as a national holiday.
Name two advantages of joining a student club.
What is the Room Number for the Student Success Center?
How many hours of classes must you be enrolled in to utilize Logan Fitness?
3 hours in the summer, 6 hours in the fall or spring
Can students start a new club?
Yes! While there are some steps to take such as getting 10 students to sign a form and identifying an employee to be the club advisor, the Student Life office is happy to help. The new club process is available on the Student Life webpage.
Who is the person I can talk to about my personal or academic problems?
College Counselor
What is the name of the John A. Logan President?
Dr. Kirk Overstreet