(Frame Data)
Suicune 2Y's Impact Frame
Shadow Mewtwo 5A
Name the stage that is a complete DX original
Thalia Beach
What is Weavile's dominant stat?
Speed (125)
What types do not appear in the roster?
Normal and Rock
Blastoise 2Y on hit?
Charizard 4A
Where is the local play located?
Diggersby Land
Who has a higher Special Attack stat out of Braixen and Blastoise?
(Base 90 vs. Blastoise's Base 85)
How many cancellable actions does Suicune have? (Specifically moves that you can stop before they come out)
4 (or 5)
5X/6X, Hydro Pump, Blizzard, Icy Wind
Croagunk n[Y] on block
Fire Fang
How many stages have multiple variants?
7 (8 is ok too)
Tellur Town/Tellur Town (Autumn)
Old Ferrum Town/Snow Gift
Neos City/Neos City (Night)
Power Training Gym/Speed Training Gym
Haunted House/Mystery Carnival
Dark Colosseum/Dark Colosseum (Final)
(Will give Ferrum Dojo if said due to placement and weather variations)
What is Mega Sceptile's Ability?
Lightning Rod
Name all characters that have a 5YX/5YYX/5YYYX variant?
Darkrai, Pikachu, Pikachu Libre, Aegislash, Empoleon, Suicune, Weavile.
Emolga's Impact Frame
Chandelure J.A
Which stage shares its name with its Tekken counterparts?
Dragon's Nest
There are 2 main, fully evolved Pokemon on display on the steps of Snow Gift.
What do these Pokemon have in common?
Snow Warning
Name all characters with an interaction with the wall? (excluding wall splats)
Pikachu Libre (Wall bounce)
Empoleon (Sliding Stance wall collision and Hydro Cannon wall collision)
Garchomp (Running Stance Wall collision)
Croagunk (Wall cling)
Mega Scizor's n.y on hit (if point blank)
Croagunk Burst Attack
Alter Ego Army
In the story mode, what are the 3 stages where the trials occur?
Regi Ruins, Blue Dome and Dragon's Nest
How many playable characters have an alternate form of any kind? (Excluding Pikachu Libre and Shadow Mewtwo)
15 (or 17)
Mega: Blaziken, Lucario, Gardevoir*, Scizor, Sceptile, Gengar*, Blastoise, Mewtwo, Charizard*, Garchomp
G-Max: Pikachu, Gengar*, Machamp, Blastoise*, Charizard*
Regional: Decidueye, (Gardevoir*), (Suicune)
Battle Forme: Aegislash
How many playable characters and supports appear in both Pokken and Pokemon Unite? (as of right now) (excluding Pokken stage Pokemon and Unite farm)
Playable: Chandelure, Scizor, Braixen Aegislash, Decidueye, Blastoise, Gardevoir, Pikachu, Charizard, Lucario, Machamp, Gengar, Garchomp
Support: Lapras, Mew, Espeon, Dragonite, Sylveon, Eevee, (Umbreon)