What is the very first word in James?
Who does James refer to as the source of all wisdom throughout the letter?
What does James describe as a restless evil, full of deadly poison? (Ch. 3)
The tongue
The primary theme of James is to be ___ of the word.
Who was James's Father?
From a familial standpoint, what is the primary distinction made about James's personhood?
Brother of Jesus
Throughout the epistle, how does James describe faith without works?
According to James, what will the one who "remains steadfast under trial... having stood the test of time" receive? (Ch. 2)
The Crown of Life
James explains that God allows tests and trials, however, temptation comes not from God but from "___" & "___".
Self & Satan
Fill in the Blank. In James 2, the writer exclaims that "___" triumphs over judgement.
Who is, almost certainly, the audience for James's epistle?
Hint: 2 words
Jewish Christians OR 12 tribes in the Dispersion
What does James refer to as proper response to trials, being central in life not only when afflicted or in sickness but also when cheerful?
According to James 3, who does James say will be held especially accountable for what they say?
James states "every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of "___", with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change"
In Chapter 5, James advises us "not to swear by Heaven or by Earth or with any oath", rather, to let your "___" be "___" and your "___" be "___".
Yes's be Yes's and No's be No's
What time period do the consensus of historians agree on regarding when this epistle was written?
Early to Mid-40s A.D.
According to James 2, what does James condemn to his audience when comparing poor vs rich within church gatherings?
Their Favoritism
How does James describe those who "God chose to be poor in the world"? (Ch. 2)
Rich in Faith
James contests religion that is pure and undefined before God is to "visit orphans and widows in their afflictions", and "___".
"To keep oneself unstained from the world".
Who does James mention from the Old Testament in Chapter 5 as an example for someone who preserved with patience and had seen the end intended by the Lord, to show that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful?
Give or Take 5 years, when did James die?
Throughout the epistle, James constantly stresses the importance of good works alongside faith, what two characters in the Old Testament does he use in Chapter 2 to exemplify this?
Abraham & Rahab
What two real-life examples does James give when illustrating the bridling of the tongue? (Ch. 3)
The bit in a horse's mouth & a small rudder on a ship.
In the end of James 5, James writes that whoever brings a sinner from his wandering will "___" and "___".
"Save his soul from death" & "Cover a multitude of sins"
Who prayed that it might not rain and it did not rain and when he prayed for rain, it rained?