Fill in the blank:
The 4 step sales process is Engage, needs analysis, _______, Close.
This is how much Suite Growth starts at per month per agent.
This is the Date that Z2 will officially launch
October 23
This person says " I love archery as well as just the outdoors."
James believes This hoax was perpetrated by the deep state to have us all living in fear, and give the government more unbridled power.
In this step, you would discuss the pricing of the product.
Recommend, as needed
True or False: API access is available on all Suite platforms
True or False: You will need to manually submit lead forms on Z2
According to this person "A dream of mine is to own a house with a bunch of acreage and adopt as many dogs and cats humanly possible. "
Believes this company is the reason for James' favorite streaming services downfall, even though they broke the law and was held accountable for doing so.
The close should include a ________.
Call to action
This Suite allows for up to 100 Light access licenses.
True or false: Z2 training is scheduled for October 22
"my first pets name was emily and he was a boy cat named after my imaginary friend"
According to James, These cute little critters are neither cute, nor little, but are pests that should be dealt with judiciously
This step is considered to be the most vital in the whole process.
Needs analysis
Gather is available on these tiered plans.
Professional and enterprise
This will be the main demographic the Chat teams will be servicing through Z2
"I was punched in the face by a boy in 5th grade because I ruined his art project."
If James were in charge, This company should lose it's license due to it's apparent lack of ability to create content that isn't offensive or crude
This is the step most commonly missed in QAs.
This plan allows for third party chatbot integration
Suite Enterprise
True or False: Support chats will no longer be queued into sales chats
Fasle. We don't know
I have an uncanny talent of being able to chug soda without the carbonation burning my throat
James hated this popular TV series, even before all of the fans decided it sucked after its final season