Chapters 1 and 2
Chapter 3
Chapters 4 and 5
Chapters 6 and 7
Fun Facts

how James' parents died

What is eaten by a rhinoceros?


The person who came out of the bushes

Who is  the old man?


The instructions the old man gave James for taking the bag

What is James must pour the little green things into a large jug of water and then add 10 of his own hairs to the mixture, one by one. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, James is to drink it down, and then magical things will begin to happen to him. He will no longer be miserable. The Old Man gives one last instruction before he leaves James - don't let the green things escape, or else they will work their magic upon somebody else instead!


 Aunt Spiker yells and screams because

What is a peach growing on the tree?


The amount of days we have been in summer school

What is 11 days as of today?


The age James was when they died

What is 4 years old?


The man had this in his hand

What is a white bag with little green things in it?


James rushed back in a hurry so he could

What is hide the bag from his Aunts?


 James has this feeling when approaching his Aunts.

What is puts down his yard tools and walks up to his aunts; he has a feeling that something peculiar is going to happen? 


The amount of days we have left of Summer school

What is 9 days?


James went to live with them after his parents died

Who are Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker?


According to the man, these little green things had 

What is  "more power and magic...than the rest of the world put together." ?


In his rush to get to the kitchen, James

What is fell and spilled the bag?


The Aunts yell at him as he climbs the tree because

What is not to eat the peach?


Name of the teacher we will all have next school term

Who is Ms. Porter?


His Aunts treated James 

What is 

Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker forced James to perform back-breaking labor, locked him up for punishment, and never let him leave the confines of their house and garden?


The items in the bag were

What is crocodile tounges, dragon eyeballs, witches skull?


What happened to the green things when they fell out of the bag

What is sink into the ground?


The peach is growing uncontrollably (every 1/2 a minute it grew bigger and bigger.  What the Aunts think will happen to the peach

What is the peach will break the branch or fall to the ground?


My favorite subject . . . .

What is ........?


By Now in Chapter 2, James is 7 years old and we learn that it is

What is three years after James began living with his aunts?

on a day when a rather peculiar, very peculiar, and fantastically peculiar moment

(Each Aunt was bragging about themselves)


The old man gave James a

What is the white bag and all the items in it?


The Aunts went over to him  

What is to yell at him to get back to work, calling him lazy .  They also threatened to put him in a bucket and send him down the well.  


What James Aunts think they could do with this peach

What is make some money?


My happiest memory of school last year...

What is ...................?
