What is a disease caused by lack of vitamin C. It made the sailors gums rot and teeth fall out. They often had sore legs. Some people died.
The midshipman who sailed with James Cook
The Europeans on Captain Cook's ships were most interested in trading for
The way the Nuu-chah-nulth first greeted the Europeans.
What was that they canoed out and greeted them with songs.
The Europeans sold these to the Chinese and got very rich
What is the Sea otter furs
The Marines...
Who are the soldiers who protected the sailors.
What are the Resolution and the Discovery
The Nuu-chah-nulth were most interested in trading for...
What is Brass, and other metals.
When George Vancouver came back to Yuquot he saw that the chief had allowed the Spanish to
What is build houses and make gardens.
Cheepocs is the Nuu-chah-nulth word for
What is Brass and other metals.
The name of the new Chief of Yuquot
Who is Chief Maquinna
The items that the Europeans gathered from shore before heading north (hint: to keep them healthy)
What was
Nettle, wild onions, spruce tree branches.
They were used to prevent scurvy.
The Nuu-chah-nulth first thought the Europeans were
Who are the "Salmon People"
Some things the Europeans had to trade
Name 2
What is
- brass and other metals (buttons, handles, kettles, candlesticks, tin cans)
-glass beads
A Strait is
What is A narrow passage of water connecting two large areas of water
The name that Captain James Cook gave to the Nuu-Chah-Nuulth people.
What is the Nootkas.
Three of the jobs on European Ships
What could be...
Sailor, Marine, Surgeon, Carpenter, Map Maker, Steward, artist, midshipman, captain
The job of the Chief's wife during the whale hunt
The instruments that the Europeans used to play music back to the Nuu-chah-nulth
What was the fife and the French horn.
The word Nootka actually means
What is "circling about" or "go around"
The Nuu-chah-nulth thought the Europeans were asking about going around the Island.
The name the Nuu-Chah-Nulth gave to Cook and his crew
What is Mamathni
The three reasons why James Cook sailed along the west coast of the New World
What is
1. To Find the Northwest Passage
2. To Make better maps
3. To have better trade than the Spanish
Three of the jobs that of the whaling crew
Who are.... (answers will vary)
Paddlers, Steersman, Harpooner, Diver, Crew ( blows up floats and keeps canoe steady)
How far Captain Cook sailed with his ships into the Arctic Ocean before turning around
What is the Icy Cape.