Fill in the blank: Every good and perfect gift comes from ____? (James 1:17)
Fill in the blank: Faith without works is _______ (James 2:14).
Fill in the blank: Out of the same mouth come ____ and _____. My brothers and sisters, this should not be (James 3:10).
praising and cursing
James describes "your life" as ___ that appears for a little while and then vanishes (James 4:14).
A Vapor/A Mist
Those who endure should be counted as what (James 5:11)?
Fill in the blank: Every man should be quick to hear and slow to ____ and _____? (James 1:19)
Speak and Anger
Fill in the blank: If you show special attention to the _____ and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the _____, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts (James 2:3-4)?
man wearing fine clothes/rich man, poor man
Why will teachers receive more strict judgment (James 3:1)?
Teachers have a greater influence on others lives
Fill in the blank: So whoever knows the ___________ thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is _____________ (James 4:17).
Right, Sin
The prayer of a righteous person is ___________ and ___________ (James 5:16).
A man's religion is vain if he does not bridle/have a tight rein on his what (James 1:26)?
If someone keeps the whole law and fails in one point, then they are guilty of what (James 2:10)?
All of it (the law)
What themes does James 3 cover?
taming the tongue and wisdom
Who is the lawgiver and judge (James 4:12)?
God Alone
What are the themes covered in James 5?
patience in suffering, the prayer of faith, a warning to rich oppressors
What are the two themes in chapter 1?
trials/temptations, listening/doing
Which two people does James use as examples that lived by faith (James 2:21, James 2:25)?
Abraham and Rahab
What two kinds of water does James use as an analogy for good and sinful speech (James 3:11)?
Fresh water and salt water
If you humble yourself before the Lord, what will He do (James 4:10)?
Lift you up
Who did James use an example for a person who persevered in the faith (James 5:11)?
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this (James 1:27):
to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
What two topics are covered in chapter 2?
Favoritism/partiality and faith and deeds
What three examples from nature does James give us about the tongue (James 3:3-5)?
Horses, Ships, Forest Fires
What are the two messages from chapter 4?
submit yourselves to God, boasting about tomorrow
Who did James use as an example for a faithful person? What did he pray for (James 5:17-18)?
Elijah the prophet who prayed that it would not rain and it didn't rain for 3 ½ years. Then he prayed that it would rain and it did.