Court and Procedural Facts of the Case
Legal Issues and Rules
Final Conclusion of the Court
Ruling and Rationale
Significance and Aftermath

The name and court which is deciding the case

what is United States District Court, W.D. Kentucky, Paducah Division?


James argued that the defendants are liable for negligence because the material they distributed created risk of harm for others.

What is the first legal issue of the case?


Individuals were generally entitled to assume third parties won't commit this.

What is intentional criminal acts?


They affirmed the district court's dismissal of all James’s case.

Who is the Court?


The Law that will be questioned from this trial.

What is the First Amendment?


to decide a motion to dismiss, district court assume this

What is all allegations in the complaint to be true?


In the second legal issue, the plaintiff’s argued that the shooting was a product defect of the video games made by the defendants, breaking this law.

What is product liability law?


Had they found a duty, parents likely had not alleged sufficient facts to establish this.

what is proximate causation?


The Court determined that _______, _______, and _______ are not sufficiently “tangible” to constitute products in the sense of their communicative content.

What aret video game cartridges, movie cassette, and internet transmissions


Parents will react to violence in technology with these after this trial.

What is restricted and cautious?


Beyond a reasonable doubt plaintiff can prove no set of facts in support of his claim which would entitle him to this

What is relief?


In the third legal issue, the plaintiff said the defendants broke this law by delivering obscene material to minors for a profit.

What is Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act


Plaintiffs failed to prove this  _______ because carneal did not meet conduct standards as a result of playing the violent video game.

What is negligence?


_______ claimed that Meow Media’s negligent distribution of material to impressionable youths desensitized the shooter to violence and caused Carneal to kill.

Who is James?


The effect violent video games, websites, and movies will have in the future.

What is less socially acceptable?


This court reviews the district courts granting to dismiss the motion

What is the Appellate court?


The reason the court held against the first legal issue of the James vs. Meow Media case.

What is Carneal’s actions weren’t foreseeable so there was no proximate causation.


The court held the video game cartridges weren't sufficiently tangible to constitute them being referred to as this. 

What are products under Kentucky state law?


James contended that Meow Media’s material included excessively violent, _______ non-protected speech, yet this was disregarded as it included no sexually explicit material.

What is obscene?


The production and distribution of these violent technologies after this case.

What are decreases in production and sales?


The plaintiffs of the high school brought it to District Court for West District of KY for the dismissal of this. 

What is the failure to recognize state claims, their negligence, and state liability?


The court said the defendants weren’t responsible for the defects and the plaintiff didn’t correctly file the RICO report.

What is why the court denied the second and third legal rules of the case.


The court stated the defendants weren't responsible for the racketeering charges because they didn't file this correctly. 

What is the RICO report?


The district court determined that the defendants were under no duty to protect James, Steger, and Hadley from Carneal’s actions as the defendant’s duties do not include this.

What is the duty to exercise ordinary care to prevent foreseeable harm?


This will happen if parents find out the harm of allowing children to have violent video games, websites, and movies.

What is that parents will change their perceptions of violence online and it will be taken much more seriously?
