The name of the first permanent English settlement
When did the settlers arrive?
What did the King of England have the power to grant?
True or False as Jamestown grew, Virginia's system of government did not evolve
How many pets does Ms. Elbourne have? Name?
1, Savannah
What were some European countries, including England in competition of?
Increasing wealth and power by expanding their empires to America.
How was the water along the shore?
Who was the daughter of Chief Powhatan?
What year did Covington Harper open?
Gold and Silver
They had a good supply of fresh water.
When did life become easier for the people?
Under the leadership of Captain John Smith
What year does the current Virginia General Assembly date back to?
Who is the shortest in our class? Tallest?
Lawrence, Aaron
What did an English settlement furnish?
What were the instructions from England?
To go inland and find a suitable place for their colony.
Who had the power of England?
The King of England
What year did the burgesses become a separate legislative body?
What is the name of the highschool Ms. Elbourne's oldest daughter go to?
Forest Park High School
Who financed the settlement of Virginia?
Stockholders of the Virginia Company of London
Where is Jamestown located today? Why?
On an island in the James River, due to erosion.
Mr. Whitten
How did the House of Burgesses meet with the Governor's council?
How many 4th grade teachers are at Covington Harper?