how many shots does jamie cap the night at?
what is teter cycling's team color?
what is the character tattooed on my big toe
what city and state was i born in
manhattan new york
what's my favorite sport to watch
what is one of jamie's nightly routine
take creatine
what is jamie's fav podcast
the broski report
where was jamie's first job
pizza x
what's my parent's restaurant's name
poke bunny
how many times has jamie greened out?
what alcohol does jamie refuse to drink
what is jamie's favorite category of food
what is my favorite energy drink
red bull gives you wiiingsss
who were jamie's two best friends in high school
jurzee and avery
how old is freddie?
almost 9
what are jamie's favorite flowers
what's jamie's license plate
what is jamie's biggest pet peeve
being late
what game do i periodically play on my phone
pokemon go
how much does jamie weigh? 5 pound margin error allowed
140 pounds
why did jamie choose teter cycling
i used to live at teter and i found them on beinvolved
if jamie didn't have to worry about money, what major or career would she have chosen
what is my favorite drinking game
what phrase do i use when i see something i like
eye candy