BB Trivia
The 12 Steps
Traditions & Concepts
BB Champions
Myth or Fact?

The year the Big Book was first published.

What is 1939.


This Step promises us the ability to cease fighting anyone or anything including any and all addictions patterns of behaviour.

What is Step 10.


The Washingtonian Society, who discovered a way to stay sober, but they entered into public controversies and subsequently vanished from the world of alcohol recovery because they did not have this Tradition which suggest no opinions on outside issues.

What is Tradition Ten


This Big Book advocate coined the phrase, "It only takes a few hours to learn how to work a 12 Step program and rest of your life to practice it."

Who is Cameron F.


“This program is caught not taught”

What is a Myth.

Page xiii Paragraph 1: “To show other alcoholics precisely how we have recovered is the main purpose of this book.”


This edition of the Big Book talks about carrying the message via modem to modem.

What is the 4th Edition.


Grasping the futility, fatality and terrible destructiveness of our character defects, prepares us for this Step.

What is Step 6 - Be entirely ready to have God remove these character short-comings.


This Tradition suggests what a Group ought never "endorse, finance or lend the C.A. name" to any outside entity.

What is Tradition Six


This Big Book thumper started the Hyannis Approach and hails from Hyannis CT.

Who is Billy S.


"There is no middle of the road solution."

What is a fact.

AA p. 59 "Half measures avail us nothing."


His sobriety birthday is June 10, 1935 and signifies the first day of our society.

Who is Dr. Bob Smith.


This Step is tells us where to find this Power Greater than Ourselves.

What is Step 2.


This Tradition suggest we ought to be self-supporting.


He wrote the Back to Basics.

Who is Wally P.


"I choose not to drink today”

What is a myth.

Page 24 Paragraph 2: “The fact is that most alcoholics, for reasons yet obscure, have lost the power of choice in drink.”


The BB 2nd Edition was published this year.

What is 1955.


This Step says to practice spiritual principles in all our affairs.

What is Step 12.


The Concept gives the Trusted Servant the "Right of Decision."

What is Concept Three.

A trusted servant must be informed, aware of their group’s needs and conscience at the time that they hear all the facts. We cannot demand any of trusted servants carry only one message, one opinion, one conscience; and vote or act that way regardless of what is being shared and revealed at a service meeting. We have to trust that our trusted servant will vote or act within the best interest of those they are serving.


He started the first official meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous in Cleveland, Ohio on May 16, 1939.

Who is Clarence S.


“There are NO MUSTS in this program only suggests”

What is a myth. There are 96 MUSTS in the BB.

Page 144, paragraph 3. ”When the man is presented with this volume (BB) it is best that no one tell him he MUST abide by its suggestions.”


The First Edition of the BB had this many printings.

What is 16.


This Step suggests that we become agents of God.

What is Step 3.


This concept expresses the principle of the “Right of Appeal” that all minorities whether it is our staffs, committees, boards or trustees should always be encourage to file minority reports.

What is Concept Five.

Throughout our World Service structure, a traditional “Right of Appeal” ought to prevail, thus assuring us that minority opinion will be heard and that petitions for the redress of personal grievances will be carefully considered.


He created the "Mucking up the Big Book" in Toronto during the 1990s.

Who is Don F.


“I’m powerless over people, places and things”

What is a myth.

Page 84, paragraph, 3: "And we have ceased fighting anything or anyone–even alcohol.

Page 101, paragraph 3: "So our rule is NOT to avoid a place where there is drinking, if we have a legitimate reason for being there."

Page 102, paragraph 3: "...never hesitate to go anywhere if you can be helpful. You should not hesitate to visit the most sordid spot on earth on such an errand."
