In what book does a man accidently die while testing a recipe?
The Blackthorn Key
In what book does a car crash outside a grocery store provide a character the opportunity to commit a crime?
House Arrest
In what book must a character remember that moving water is free of magic?
The Dark is Rising
In what book does a character blame bad coffee on the lousy water?
In what book is it known that stars wink because Earth’s warm atmosphere is rising and shifting?
Full Cicada Moon
In what book was there a day named Barbed Wire Sunday?
A Night Divided (Chapter 2)
In what book are books about tarantulas found?
Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus
In what book does the first frost occur in August because of the changing climate?
Life as we knew it
In what book was the killing of a wolf a turning point?
Nature's Best Hope (p 26)
In what book do we learn the terms "alpha test", "nugget", and "cobbler"?
City Spies
In what book does ROMEO stand for Retired Old Men Eating Out?
Sidetracked (p72)
In what book does a friend explain that he never cries because his father doesn’t like crying?
Red, White, and Whole
In what book do they tell you to “put your Warface on”?
Roller Girl
In what book does a Tilt-a-Whirl play a role?
Operation Do-Over
In what book are caterpillars very good food?
Nature's Best Hope (p119)
In what book is a prized coin given up to cover the cost of a Christmas present for a mother?
Full Cicada Moon (p 352)
In what book did a girl wear a mouse headband?
The Season of Styx Malone (chapter 21)
In what book do birds communicate emotion instead of words?
The Dark is Rising (p140)
In what book do friends do homework while MTV blares in the background?
Red, White, and Whole (p108)
In what book does a young woman's mother make her eat chocolate chips off the kitchen floor?
Life as we knew it
In what book is a plumbing emergency caused by fruit in the pipes?
Operation Do-Over (p 256)
In what book does a mom and son dress up so that they don't look like Americans?
Borders (p34)
In what book do characters listen to a Beatles album at low volumes in their bedroom?
A Night Divided (p35)
In what book does a character scrap a well-rehearsed speech for one that is more time-sensitive?
City Spies (p334)
In what book is it said, “The measure of a man has nothing to do with where he comes from”?
The Blackthorn Key (p116)