No description necessary
Who is Bro. Lett?
Mary took this measurement of very costly perfumed oil and poured it on the feet of Jesus. Today, its the equivalent of 16 ounces. We sometimes call it an lb.
What is a pound?
From the Hebrew for Har Meghid.dohn, meaning Mountain of Megiddo.
What is Armageddon?
We typically open this 'daily'
What is Examining the scriptures daily? or (Daily Text)
Awe inspiring vehicle Ezekiel saw in his vision
What is the Chariot?
Australian GB member
Who is Brother Jackson?
Even the 11th hour workers received this rate of pay, much to the dismay of the other workers.- Matthew 20:10
What is a denarius?
The verb means to immerse, or dip under water
What is Baptize?
Click this symbol and you leave the app and arrive here
What is our official website?
The 4 key elements that makes worship acceptable to Jehovah include the recipient, quality and these other two "M" words
What is the manner and motive?
Name of this GB member or this helper to the Teaching Committee
Who is Bro. Splane or Mark Noumair?
The slave who received only one of these from his Master, hid it in the ground.
What is a talent?
The violent Hybrid sons of materialized angels
What are Nephilim?
We click this when we need to do research on the web.
What is the online library?
He was the first to demonstrate all 4 key elements when he offered Jehovah a sacrifice...
Who is Abel?
He's also helper to the Teaching Committee
Who is David Schafer?
60 of these equal a talent. 10 slaves were told to "Do business with these until I come"- Matthew 19:13
What is a mina?
Spirit Creatures of high rank stationed around Jehovah's throne
What are Seraphs?
You click this to give these?
What is donations?
This colorful brilliance surrounding Jehovah's throne reminds us that we serve a God of Peace - Ezekiel 1:28
What is a rainbow?
He's the Most recently appointed GB member?
Who is Bro. Cook?
At Luke 15:8 a woman had 10 of this coin and lost 1.
What is a drachma?
A composition, lyrical or musical, expressing deep soorrow; a lamentation
What is a Dirge?
You click this when you need to learn 'how to' do something. Somebody S.O.S!
What is help?
This was evidently a one word command for the wheels to set themselves in motion
What is 'Wheelwork"?