Bible Verses
God protected Elijah
Jesus prayed and raised Lazarus
David, Nabal, and Abigail
Complete the verse:

I can do all things through Christ who gives me _____

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

The person that said to Elijah, "Man the gods punish me severely if I do not kill you by this time tomorrow!"

Queen Jezebel

Why did Martha and Mary send for Jesus?

Their brother, Lazarus, was sick


How does the Bible describe Nabal and Abigail?

Nabal was a rich but evil man and Abigail was a wise and beautiful woman.


Samson was chosen since he was in his mother's womb (tummy) for what purpose?

To protect Israel from its bitter enemies, the Philistines.


Complete the verse:

In the beginning, .....

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1


How did Elijah react to the threat of being killed. 

He became terrified and ran for his life into the wilderness. 


What did Jesus shout in front of Lazarus' tomb after the stone had been rolled away?

"Lazarus, come out"


What was Nabal's response when David's men came to him asking for food?

He was rude and refused to help them


The woman who Samson fell in love with and who betrayed him.



Complete the verse:

For God so ......

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16


Who brought a meal to Elijah after he passed out under a tree, exhausted from running for his life?

an angel


Why did Jesus not go to Lazarus right away when his sisters asked for him to go?

so the disciples could be witnesses of the raising of Lazarus and therefore believe


What was David's response to Nabal's disrespect?

He became angry and wanted revenge and was going to go kill Nabal and his men


true or false:

Samson great strength came from his hair.

False: Samson's power came from God, but he lost his power after his hair was cut because he failed/disobeyed God. 


Complete the verse:

Therefore, whatever you want others to do for you, ....

Therefore, whatever you want others to do for you, do also the same for them, for this is the law and the prophets. Matthew 7:12


What are the three events that happened outside of the cave that God was NOT in?

strong wind, earthquake, fire


What was Jesus' reaction when Mary came to meet him and she fell at His feet and wept. 

He wept also 


Who went to tell Abigail about what Nabal did to David and what did she do about it?

A servant of Nabal

Abigail quickly gathered food and took it to David and asked and she fell at his feet and apologized for what her foolish husband had done.


In what city was Samson ambushed earlier in his life?

Hint: It is still a city today and the people who live there are still enemies of the Jewish people. 



Complete the verse from January:

This is the confidence we have before ....

This is the confidence we have before Him: If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 

1 John 5:14


Elijah was convinced that there were no more people in Israel who followed God. God encouraged Him to go back because there were still how many people left that still followed him?

seven thousand

For how many days had Lazarus been in the tomb when Jesus arrived?

4 days


complete the sentence:

Nabal's _______ words produced _________ 

Abigail's _______ words/actions produced _________

Nabal's (rude, disrespectful, unkind, evil) words produced (rage, anger, revenge)

Abigail's (kind, respectful, gracious, wise) words/actions produced (repentance, peace)


What did Samson pray to God before he took down the Philistine temple?

"God, remember me. Strengthen me just once more."
