What is Janice's middle name?
What date is the wedding set for?
February 22nd, 2025
What is Vince's favourite NFL team?
Dallas Cowboys
What is the name of the wedding hall?
What is the gender of the baby?
Where did Vince take Janice for their first date?
Illumi Christmas lights
Where was Janice born? (city and country)
Lahore, Pakistan
What does OB-GYN stand for
Obstetrician Gynecologist
What University did Janice go to?
University of Toronto (Mississauga)
What was the original wedding date?
April 5th, 2025
What make and model is Vince's car?
Ford, Bronco
What is Janice's Job title?
Payroll Manager
How many members are in the wedding party? (not including the bride and groom)
What is Vince's middle name?