What is "God Bless America"
Janies favorite color is this.
What is Pickleball
Janie RARELY misses this weekly activity.
What is Church
What is Truth
What is "I am in Supply Chain"
Janies favorite Flower is this.
What is Lillies.
Janie likes to do this activity outdoors, typically in the summer. (The answer isnt pickleball)
What is Sailing/Boating
What is a bebe gun
What is Lie
What is listening to live music.
What is Mount Calvary Lutheran Church
Janies favorite rock and roll band is this.
What is Styx
When Janie was a kid one of her family pets were multpiple Chameleons
What is truth
Janie said BTBTYCB to her children before they left the house every day. BTBTYCB stands for what.
What is "Be The Best That You Can Be"
Janies favorite childhood toy/doll was this.
Janie was disqualified from playing this board game by Steve Korins family for being "too good at it she must be cheating".
One time Janie accidentally accidentally pressed the gas instead of the breaks while parking her car and ran into a tree.
What is lie.