What cleaning supply is used on glass, especially windows, to help get rid of fingerprints and any other markings?
What temperature should the water be before mixing in cleaning solution for mopping?
The water should be warm to enhance the strength of the solution for breaking down dirt on the floor.
True or False:
You should wear clothes like ripped jeans and tank tops to work.
You want to be able to move comfortably at work, but you also want to wear clothes that are professional and protect your skin while working.
Why do you wear gloves when cleaning?
What is personal hygiene?
Personal hygiene is when you keep all parts of the external body clean and healthy.
This tool is used to help push and remove dust and debris from hard-to-reach places while cleaning.
A duster
How should you spray cleaning supplies onto a surface or a rag?
Keeping the bottle a good distance away, not too far, in order to maximize reach of the product.
Should you wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty to work?
As you work with chemicals and garbage it is smart to wear appropriate clothes that you don't mind if it gets dirty.
Bending and using your legs while lifting heavy objects will make sure you don't hurt your back while working.
True or False: Hygiene practices help prevent the spread of germs and reduce the risk of infections.
Handwashing and dental care are huge factors in preventing illnesses.
What is the tool we use to help dry floors faster after mopping to ensure no one slips?
Using a dry pad on the Swiffer to go over the floor.
When dusting you should always start at the bottom and work your way up.
Dusting should be down from the top-down to ensure you remove all dust and knock it to the floor to be cleaned up.
What should be worn on your hands at all times when working with chemicals?
What should you put out on the floor to alert people if you just mopped an area and moving to the next?
A wet floor sign
When working when should you wash your hands?
Before starting work, if any chemicals or garbage touch your hands, and when finished working.
What product is used to wipe and kill bacteria and germs on possibly contaminated surfaces while cleaning?
Sanitizing wipes
When using AJAX to clean the sink, what is the first step in the process?
First you have to wet the sink.
After the sink is wet you'd sprinkle the AJAX in the sink, let it sit, and then wipe it clean.
When at work what shoes should be worn for your best protection?
Closed toed, non-slip shoes.
If you are working with a certain strength chemical, these are to be worn to protect your eyes from any irritation or contamination.
Safety goggles
How long should it take to wash your hands?
Washing your hands should take at least 20 seconds, or as long as the Happy Birthday song.
What purple-colored chemical do you add a quarter cup of into a gallon of water when mopping?
What is the best way to pick a starting point when vacuuming or mopping?
Choose a corner at the end of the room to start in and make your way towards to entrance.
What should be worn over your clothes if you are working and are going into a high traffic area, such as a parking lot?
A high-visibility vest with reflective strips.
Why do you knock on the bathroom door before entering it to clean?
The bathroom is a private space so if someone is in there you need to know to come back when they are done.
Why should you be consistent with your hygiene schedule?
Consistency establishes a routine that helps form healthy habits to contribute to your well-being