Hands are to feet, as arms are to_____?
What's happens when you go inside a black hole?
You get stretched like spaghetti
What does a mathematician do on daylight's savings?
Set their clocks backwards or forwards like everyone else
What's the difference between anime and manga?
Anime starts with an 'a' and manga doesnt.
Finish the quote from Carrot: I was thinking _____
'about doing the same brother.'
**Daily Double**
Where is the only bone located in your body that's not connected to your skeleton?
Back of throat/front of neck
Which is better space or time?
Johnny has 10 watermelons and Susie has 1. How is Johnny carrying all of them?
A wheelbarrow
Who would win in a fight Goku or Saitama?
If you picked either of them you lose 200pts because this is the dumbest question ever.
Felix or Noah
Spin the Wheel of Trouble
Collect your 'reward'
Who would win in a fight, Einstein or Neil De Grasse Tyson?
What's 100/1?
How is manga pronounced?
Different every time
That moment when you wake up and simultaneously gasp realizing that the reason you feel so well rested is because your alarm didn't go off and you overslept.
How many hearts does a worm have?
Spin the Wheel of Trouble
Collect your reward
What is another term for light?
What was the number one ranked anime in 2015?
How tall is Dotty?
If you answered lower add another 100 pts
If you eat a cow, you'd be considered a carnivore. What would you be called if you ate fish?
Spin the Shadow Wheel if correct
What is the smallest thing in the universe?
Your wiener
What country or region calls mathematics, 'maths'?
The UK
Spin the Shadow Wheel if correct
What is the category of anime that focuses on romance and relationships?
Spin the Shadow Wheel if correct.
Yes or no?
If yes, spin the Wheel of trouble
If no, spin the Wheel of Trouble twice