What are the four rivers of Jannah?
rivers of water, milk, wine, honey
What is the name of the tree in Hell whose fruit are like devils' heads?
Zaqqum Tree
The Prophet (ﷺ) said that feeding this group of people and greeting others with peace leads to Jannah.
the poor and needy
The greatest sin that involves partners with Allah?
At what age did the Prophet (S.A.W) Die
Jannah is described as having gates; how many of the gates are mentioned in the Qur'an and Hadith?
What type of drink is given to the inhabitants of Hell, scalding their faces?
Boiling Tree
This act of kindness, mentioned in the Qur'an and Sunnah, includes quenching someone's thirst and is promised to be rewarded in Jannah.
What is giving water to someone in need?
2 major sins that were associated with Iblees?
Arrogance and Pride
Who were the 4 Khulafa ar-Rashidun
Abu Bakr (R.A)
Umar (R.A)
Uthman (R.A)
Ali (R.A)
What is the name of the gate of Jannah that is reserved for those who excel in fasting?
Baab Ar-Rayan
What is the color of the smoke in Jahannum, as described in the Quran?
Pitch Black
The Prophet (ﷺ) described that walking to this place step-by-step erases sins and raises ranks in Jannah.
walking to the masjid?
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) warned that people who commit this act by violating the sanctity of a ______ rights and privacy could end up in Jahannum.
What is the name of the event, when Prophet (S.A.W) travelled from Makkah to Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem before ascending to heaven, all in one night?
Al-Isra' wal Mi'raj
What age are all the inhabitants of jannah going to be?
What are the garments of the people in Hell made from?
Molten Copper
This form of charity, which involves providing food, water, or resources to people in need, is highly encouraged in Islam and brings great reward.
Sadaqah tul Jariyah
Ignoring one of the pillars of Islam
What are the 4 main angels
Jibraeel (A.S)
Mikaeel (A.S)
Malik Ul Mawt (A.S)
Israfeel (A.S)
The ground of Jannah is described in a hadith as having this characteristic material that represents purity and abundance.
"pebbles of pearls and rubies"
What is the name of the freezing, unbearably cold area of Jahannum?
The Prophet (ﷺ) said that whoever recites this surah 10 times daily will have a palace built for them in Jannah.
Surah Ikhlaas
This action is when a person performs good deeds to show off and seek praise from others, rather than to seek Allah's pleasure
What is Riya (showing off in worship)
This famous battle took place in 624 CE, where Muslims faced a much larger Meccan army, and it ended in a decisive victory for the Muslims.
What is The Battle of Badr?