Movies by Soundtrack
Daytime Soap Operas
January, January
Record Setters
Where in the World?

This is the alliterative name for the wide-legged jeans style popular in the 1970s



“Jet Song” and “Maria” belong to this movie musical from 1961, composed by Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim

West Side Story


This soap opera is set in the fictional city of Salem and begins each episode with an analogy about “sands through the hourglass"

Days of Our Lives. It had a 57-year run on NBC that ended in 2022


Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday is observed as a federal holiday on this day of the week

Monday. We celebrate Dr. King’s birth each year on the third Monday in January.


In 1971, Ray Tomlinson of MIT was the first to send this kind of electronic communication

Email. Tomlinson has stated he forgets what his email message said.


This country’s flag is known as the “Stars and Stripes"

The United States


This fast-food restaurant chain named for the “King of the Cowboys” opened its doors in 1968

Roy Rogers. Executives selected the name because they wanted something all-American.


This Hepburn film features the signature song “Moon River"

Breakfast at Tiffany’s


Susan Lucci plays the character Erica Kane on this show for 41 years. Hint: It first debuted in 1970

All My Children. Lucci finally won an Emmy in 1999 after receiving 19 previous nominations.


On January 4, people who are visually impaired celebrate this method of reading and writing

Braille. World Braille Day honors Louis Braille, the Frenchman who invented braille and was born with sight but lost it at the age of 10.


In 1974, U.S. Air Force pilots completed a record-setting flight across this ocean, landing in London, England

Atlantic. The flight from New York to London took just over one hour and 54 minutes.


This country’s capital city is Cairo

Egypt. The Egyptians are building a new capital city 30 miles from Cairo to ease congestion in the city. It is known as the New Administrative Capital, or NAC, and features skyscrapers, light rail, and a park twice the size of New York City’s Central Park. The government began relocating to the NAC in 2022.


This American singer and actress is known for roles in Calamity Jane, Pillow Talk and The Man Who Knew Too Much

Doris Day. She was born Doris Mary Ann von Kappelhoff and got her start dancing and singing as a child.


“Imperial Attack” and “Princess Leia’s Theme” are both on this movie soundtrack, composed by John Williams

Star Wars


Luke and Laura were always on the lips of this soap opera’s fans

General Hospital


People celebrate the founding of this “down-under” country on January 26

Australia. January 26 is known as Australia Day. The first Australian colonists were prisoners brought from Britain in the late 18th century


In 1980, Reinhold Messner of Italy became the first person to climb this mountain alone

Mount Everest. He made the climb from base camp in three days, all without using bottled oxygen.


This Pacific Rim country has 20 percent of the world’s earthquakes that measure 6.0 or higher on the Richter scale

Japan. It’s also the country with the densest seismic network in the world


This alliterative cereal popular in the 1960s is a chocolate version of Rice Krispies

Cocoa Krispies. Introduced in 1958, the cereal had several early mascots, including a monkey and an elephant


Composer John Williams also won the 1976 Academy Award for Best Original Dramatic score for this iconic 1975 beachy thriller, featuring the well known two-note motif



Victoria Wyndham, who plays Rachael Davis Cory, a villain turned reformed, beloved character, is known for her role in this daytime soap

Another World. When she married Mac Cory on screen, her real-life father, actor Ralph Camargo, married them. It was the first time the two had acted together


On January 17, 1991, this operation began the combat phase of the Gulf War in response to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait

Operation Desert Storm. It took place on the heels of Operation Desert Shield, which had begun the prior August and lasted 43 days.


In 1987, Richard Branson and Per Lindstrand became the first to cross the Atlantic Ocean in this unique vehicle

Hot-air balloon. Branson and Lindstrand made the flight in just under 32 hours of flying time from July 2–3, 1987.


This country, which lies at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, has a “cotton castle" or it's official name Pamukkale, which has been designated a World Heritage Site

Turkey. It is not a building; it’s a natural area of hot springs and thermal pools that includes a five-square- mile area of fluffy-looking white calcite rocks


Founded in 1966, this tech store has an alliterative two-word name today

Best Buy. Richard M. Schulze and James Wheeler founded the company as an audio specialty store called Sound of Music. The name was changed in 1983 to emphasize the wide range of consumer electronics for sale


Kenny Loggins sings the title song from this 1984 Kevin Bacon film

Footloose. Another popular song from the movie is Denice Williams’ “Let’s Hear It for the Boy.” The film was adapted for the Broadway stage in 1998


James Earl Jones, Calista Flockhart, and Kevin Bacon all launched their careers on this soap that ran for 72 years

Guiding Light. It holds the No. 1 position for longest-running daytime soap opera


This large South American tourist destination’s name translates to “River of January"

Rio de Janeiro. It is named this because the Portuguese landed in the area on January 1, 1502.


Guinness World Records declared this man the most successful songwriter in 1979 for having the most songs on the UK singles chart

Paul McCartney. Guinness states that 91 of his songs have reached the Top 10, with 33 No. 1 hits


During the 1960s, the CIA attempted to spy on this adversary with spy cats

Russia. The program was called Project Kitty Acoustic and used cats outfitted with implanted batteries, microphones, and antennae. However, the project was eventually scrapped due to the difficulty of training the cats
