7 Wonders of the World
DC and Marvel
Weird lawsuits
Bad Fashion Trends

These old ruins are one of the seven wonders of the world and is located in Peru.

What is Machu Picchu? 


The 50 stars on the USA flag represent the 50 states. The thirteen stripes on the US flag represent these.

What are the 13 original colonies in the US?


These are the first names of the siblings who both auditioned the role of Thor in the live action movies. One of them did get the role as Thor. 

Who are Chris and Liam Hemsworth?



Red bull was sued because this slogan made a promise, but consumers said that the beverage did NOT enhance their physical performance, concentration or reaction speed. This is their slogan.


This hair style is referred to as "business in the front and a party in the back".

What is a mullet?


Petra, Jordan became one of the 7 wonders of the world in 2007. It's pink walls are made out of this type of rock.

What is pink sandstone?


The Olympic flag has five rings in different colors. These are FOUR of the colors.

What is blue, yellow, black, green, and red?


This main-title character is the richest character in the Marvel universe, according to several sources.

Who is King T’Challa (Black Panther)? 

He has a net worth of anywhere from $500 billion to $90 trillion. 


In 2006 a high school student, Vinicios Robacher, fell asleep in his math class. His teacher woke him up by slamming her hand on Robacher's desk. Robacher's parents sued Danbury High School, the Connecticut Board of Education, and the City of Danbury, claiming that his math teacher caused him severe injury. To which body part did the parents claim the injury happened?

What is the ear/eardrum?


These unique foam shoes, first produced in 2002, are loved by many, and hated by many.

What are Crocs?


It is rumored that at this one of the 7 wonders, located in India, the emperor who had it constructed cut off the worker's hands to make sure that they couldn’t recreate the design. 

What is the taj mahal?


This is an LGBTQIA+ flag representing this sexuality.

What is bisexual?


This is the fictional substance that Captain America's shield is made of. 

What is Vibranium?


Jian Feng saw his newborn daughter, who, he said, was "incredibly ugly" and did not look like either parent. He accused his wife of cheating on him. At that point, she admitted to doing this before they had met. He sued her for false pretenses.

What is cosmetic surgery?


Leg warmers became very popular in this decade, partly because of a movie called Flashdance.

What is the 1980s?


The Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil is hit by lightning 3-6 times a year! Once, this part of the statue’s body was damaged.

What is the thumb?


This is the only flag that does not have four sides, and belongs to this South Asian country.

What is Nepal?



Jack Napier, Arthur Fleck, and Jack Oswald White are three names attributed to this DC character.


Jesse Dimmick, a fugitive facing a murder charge, kidnapped a Kansas couple in September 2009. At some point he fell asleep and they escaped. They sued Dimmick for over $75,000 in damages; his response was to countersue for breach of contract. He claimed the couple had a legally binding oral agreement for them to hide him from the police. Did the kidnapper win this case?

 No, it was dismissed.


This is the name of this type of shirt from the early 2000’s depicted in the picture below.

What is a popcorn top?


This is the estimated percentage of how much the original Great Wall of China has disappeared due to natural erosion and human contact. 

Answers accepted within 5%.

What is about 30%?


The flag pictured below, which is nearly 800 years old and the oldest country flag in the world, belongs to this country.

What is the flag of Denmark?


This Marvel comic, published in 1991, is the bestselling comic of all time.

Correct answer does not need issue #.

What is X-Men #1?

It has sold over 8 million copies! 


A man found a 7-inch serrated plastic knife baked into his Subway sandwich and decided to sue the company for damages and food poisoning (severe stomach aches). This is the amount of money he sued them for.

Answers accepted within $1000.

What is $1 Million?


This trend, primarily popular among men, resulted in several laws and countless policies being created in the 2000s that banned it in cities, schools, and other public places.

What is sagging pants?
