Blessings of Jehovah's Mercy
Help to Tear Down and Build Up
Greatest Act of Love
Everlasting Life! Possible? Boring?
Give Jehovah Glory

What adjustment is the focus of this talk?

What is.... How Jehovah views those removed from the congregation.


Does this new understanding of those removed from the congregation teach us that Jehovah's standards change? Why or why not?

What is.... no, because Jehovah holds the standard, and us as imperfect humans, get better understanding as we learn more about him.

Did Zoe make it to the memorial?

What is... yes.


Will everlasting life be boring? Why or why not?

What is... no, because you will always have things to do and it's okay to repeat things

How do we bring glory to Jehovah?

What is... by telling others how awesome our God is.


Name the scripture.
"Jehovah is not slow concerning his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance"

What is... 2 Peter 3:9


Who delivered the talk?

Who is.... Kenneth Cook Jr


How did Sophia conduct the bible study and what did they go over?

What is... she used sequence cards to go over the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

How long will it take to try every single variety of apples?

What is... 20 years
(bonus 50 if add "and then you can start again and that first apple will be like new")

What does "glory" mean?

What is... anything that makes someone or something impressive


How many brothers and sisters have returned to Jehovah in the US?

What is... 5k


How does Jesus teach us to be balanced in how we build up and tear down?

We see how he threw out those selling in Jehovah's house, and how he cared and taught those willing to learn.


Name 3 things Zoe did with her grandma.

What is...
- baking together (pie)
- going to park- chase
- doing hair
- looking at the moon
- playing peek a boo
- fixing boo boo on doll and self
- eating together


Approximately how many gigabytes can the brain hold?

2.5 mill gigabytes


What is the yearly text for 2025?

Give Jehovah the glory due his name; - Psalm 96:8


Name one experience mentioned in this talk.

What is...
- The mom that started smiling again
- The deaf/blind man wanting to be in the family again
- Man removed 30 years ago
- One person that said "it's time to come back" after watching the announcement
- A dad removed when the brother was 8 years old
- Brother that watched it 6x and had already written his letter for return.
- student bought a book bag for when she would come back one day


How can we keep Jehovah's blessing?

What is... not hesitating to accept repentant ones.


How did this episode end and begin?

What is... her looking at the moon.

Why is it that we can never run out of memory space in our brains?

What is... due to our brains forming new neural connections. 


Where was our video postcard from?



How did Bro. Fleagle close this part?

What is.. he said it's not a one time invitation.

Explain what we learn from the illustration of the woman in the container.

What is... Jehovah doesn't tolerate wickedness. Expose the wickedness, and remove from the congregation.


Where was Zoe when she finally got to see her grandma in paradise?

What is... by a waterfall

Why is Brother Lett selling people a bridge?

What is... because he made a joke saying that evolution is amazing.


Finish the line:
serving you great god jehovah,
fills me with honor and pride,
you are my strength and my glory,
forever ______________________

What is... may you be my guide.
