When you walk in the room, what are your steps every day?
1. Get folder
2. Go sit in seat
How should we enter the room?
Calmly and kind of quiet (no screaming or running or yelling)
Show me what you do when you need to borrow a pencil from me.
Student(s) should have calmly gone over to the pencils, written there name on the sign out on the whiteboard, and grabbed a pencil to bring back to their seat
Which folder do you bring to your seat?
A. Colorful Folder
B. Notes and Incomplete Work Folder
B. Notes and Incomplete Work Folder
How many voices should be happening at one time?
One voice!!
Show me how you can borrow a fidget
Student(s) should have raised their hand/asked me to borrow one, waited for my permission, then should have gone over to the drawer and signed one out
When work is COMPLETE, where does it go?
What does movie theatre mode look/sound like?
What does coffee shop mode look/sound like?
Movie Theatre: Focus at the front of the room/task at hand, only noise should be asking teacher questions and/or music playing, either Ms. L/student is talking or it's a test/serious work time
Coffee Shop: Partner work time or chill independent work time, small chatter that does NOT overpower the music/the room,
Show me (as a group) how we can leave the room for going to your/the locker/bathroom/drink
Students should have gotten up and grabbed number tents to bring back to their seat
If I don't finish my work, where do I put it?
What does Restaurant Mode look/sound like?
What does Grocery Store Mode look/sound like? Where is it appropriate? Where is NOT appropriate?
Restaurant Mode: Group work, people talking but not overpowering the room
Grocery Store Mode: More people so it's louder, hallway/cafeteria/gym, usually transition times, NEVER IN THE CLASSROOM
Show me the difference between Movie Theatre Mode and Coffee Shop Mode
Movie Theatre Mode is silent
Coffee Shop Mode is light chatter (whispers essentially)
What are the steps when you leave the room? (Hint: there are 3 main things)
1. Clean up space
2. Return folder
3. Return borrowed writing utensils
When is it appropriate to put your hands on someone else? When is it appropriate to be in someone else's personal space?
(answer based on school, NOT hanging out with your friends or something at home)
Literally never
Show me how you enter the room appropriately
Students should enter from the door, get their folder, and calmly go to their seats