When Mr. Siguenza or one of my classmates is talking, my job is to....
Listen, be quiet
Where do I hit a boomwhacker?
How do we safely enter the room?
Quietly, with a calm body
Does Mr. Siguenza expect us to be perfect?
Who must I show kindness to?
When using instruments, the first thing I do when I get mine is to go right to...
Rest position
If I am not being responsible with a class instrument and it breaks, I...
Am responsible for paying for a replacement
It is okay to run and jump on or off the risers (True or False)
If I am struggling with something, or don't understand something, who can I ask for help?
Mr. Siguenza, or a classmate
If we are doing a group activity, and somebody asks to join my group, what should I say?
If Mr. Siguenza is in the middle of directions or instruction, should I go up and ask him a question?
No thank you! Raise your hand and I will get to your question after!
Name one way to use a drum responsibly
Hitting gently, keeping it in rest until time to play, only using my hands, etc...
When is the appropriate time to use the bathroom and get water?
Before or after music!
How do we get better at doing things in music?
It is okay to make fun of or make jokes about another person (True or False)
False. Mr. Siguenza should NEVER hear anybody being made fun of, even if you think you are just messing around!
Where should any garbage that I have go?
Garbage or recycling!
When Mr. Siguenza turns the lights off in the middle of an activity, that means...
Stop what you are doing, and listen for the next direction
If I don't feel good or get hurt, what do I need to get from Mr. Siguenza to go to the health office?
Pink pass
If I mess up, I should give up (True of False)
False! Try again!
Does Mr. Siguenza expect us to be best friends with everybody in our class?
No! But you will be KIND to everybody in our class!
If I accidentally bump into somebody or accidentally hurt them, I should...
Say sorry! Accidents happen!
As we are lining up at the end of music, I notice that there are still materials left out. What would a responsible student do?
Help pick up to make the room look even better than when we got here!
If somebody or something is making me feel unsafe, who should I go to?
ANY school adult!
If my class is in music, where should I be?
In the music room (NOT roaming the hallways or messing around in the bathroom!)
What is one way that I can make everybody in the class feel included?
(Any response on kindness)