Lancaster Site

A DVIR must be completed at the completion of each work day and cover the following parts and accessories: Service brakes, parking brake, steering mechanism, lighting and reflectors, tires, horn, windshield wipers, mirrors, coupling device, and emergency equipment. What items are missing from this list?

What is wheels and rims?

January DOT inspection violation for Lancaster - found crack in wheel on steering axle. Unit put OOS.


What type of APT does the following description of events fall under? "While venting oxygen in parking lot on a damp day, a vapor cloud was present and someone approached the vapor cloud with personal vehicle. I asked the individual not to drive through the vapors for safety reasons"

What is a Behavioral APT?


No smoking, open flame, or source of ignition is permitted within ___ feet of the trailer at any time.

What is 25 feet?


The year Lancaster, Pennsylvania air separation plant was comissioned.

What is 1983?


This duty status consists of all time from the time a driver begins work or is required to be in readiness to work until the time the driver is relieved from work and all responsibility for performing work is considered.

What is On-Duty time?

On-Duty time includes pre- trip and post-trip inspection, loading, fueling/DEF, etc - all paid work activities.


True or False: During a DOT inspection on January 4 of 2023, the DOT Annual Inspection sticker on the cab shows a date of January 2022. This is a violation for operating a CMV with OUT-DATED periodic inspection?

That is FALSE.

Unit must be reinspected during or before the same calendar month one year after the date show of original inspection.


The procedure used before any backing maneuvers. 

What is G.O.A.L.?

Stop the truck, exit safely, inspect your backing line of travel, set cones and survey the area for obstructions, fixed objects and low overhangs before backing?


The condition of a tank when both liquid and gas phases are in equilibrium.

What is saturation?


The Lancaster Site Emergency Guidebook can be found in this location.

What is red binder outside Deb's office?

Lancaster Site Emergency Guidebook lists how Lancaster reacts to various emergency situations and who to contact.


This 30 minute off-duty break is paid and must be documented.

What is a Fatigue Break?

Fatigue breaks must be taken off-duty, documented and reported to site management for pay.


In the event of a tire fire, no more than ___ extinguishers should be used to extinguish the fire.

What is 0?

The in-cab fire extinguishers are not of ample size to extinguish a tire fire.


This number of items make up the required PPE list, and are used in a number of variations depending on the task being performed?

DOUBLE: Name all items.

What is 12?

Safety Glasses, Hard Hat, Face Shield, Leather gloves, cryogenic gloves, long sleeves, safety shoes, hearing protection, FR clothing, High visibility clothing, and 02 monitor


This product is colorless, odorless, tasteless and nontoxic, with a boiling point of -423 degrees F, is easily ignited, flammable or explosive when mixed with air, and burns invisible.

What is Hydrogen? H2


Deb's yearly vacation location

Double: in what Month does she take this yearly vacation?

What is Seaside Heights, NJ?


During a routine DOT inspection, you can supply your HOS logs to inspector by selecting ____ within the HOS screen and creating a 4 digit pin.

What is Roadside?


True or False: Tampering, blocking or making adjustments to the onboard inward/outward facing camera is prohibited and subject to coaching?

That is True.

Location of mounted onboard inward/outward facing camera is not suggestive it is mandated policy. Not to be tampered with, blocked, or made adjustments to without approved shop mechanic and site management authorization.


Motorist fails to stop at flashing red light in intersection as AP driver has right of way (flashing yellow light). AP driver slows to a stop and avoids an accident. This is reported as what?

What is a Near Miss?


Shipping papers together with Emergency Response Guidebook must be located here while the driver is at the vehicle's controls.

What is within his/her immediate reach while restrained by the safety lap belt?


Lancaster has achieved 1 Million Safe Miles a total of

What is 21 times.


The only duty status that cannot be edited by the driver or carrier for any reason

What is drive time?


During a road breakdown, driver calls Michelin On-Call number and report back a wait time of over 4 hours, unsatisfactory, driver moves to next option. What does the driver do next?

What is use STTC Road Assist.

In each cab there is an STTC Road Assist map with each Service Tire truck center listed with phone numbers, call the closest location directly.


During vehicle inspection, pre- and post-trip inspections, and coupling/uncoupling equipment the following PPE is required safety glasses, safety shoes, high visibility clothing, and gloves. What item is missing?

What is a hard hat?


When transporting LIN, LOX, LAR the use of an OPEN road relief valve must be used. Inner vessel should maintain a pressure of ___ PSI for safe road travel per AP standard.

What is 12 - 15 PSI?


While fueling at the fuel island, you swiftly make your way to this location when you notice a growing car fire at Roberts Oxygen.

What is the fuel pump shut off located at the south end of the drop yard. (North of the fuel island in the stones)


This HOS Exception is to only be used when it affords the driver time to return to the driver's reporting location and be released from duty; affords the driver time to make it to a safe haven and be released from duty; AND has not been already used within the driver's duty week without a consecutive 34 hours off.

What is the 16-Hour Exception?
