First Aid
Fire Safety/starting
Cooking Safety
Camping safety

What do you do if somebody gets bit by a venomous snake?

1. Remove rings or jewelry before injury swells
2. Seek medical attention immediately
3. If you have to wait, wash wound, lie victim down with wound lower than heart, treat for shock


Where should you never light a fire?

you should never light a fire inside your tent or outside of a fire ring


When cooking what is the first thing you need to do before you even think about the food?



What should you do if you encounter a snake on a campout?

keep your distance since they can strike a distance of half their full length (also if they are coiled up you can not tell their full length).   


What is the scout law?

A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.


Name at least three items that should be in a first aid kit?

adhesive bandages, sterile gauze pads, adhesive tape, mole skin, soap/hand sanitizer, triple antibiotic ointment, scissors, non-latex disposable gloves, CPR breathing barrier, pencil & paper


How do you correctly put out a fire?

Dump some water on the fire and then add any sand or dirt and stir the fire around with a shovel so that now sparks are still lit and finally douse it again with water.


what is it called when you cook water so the water itself will cook other foods?



what should you do if you see a black bear (the bear you are going to see while in Arizona)?

If it hasn't seen you then remain quiet and back away slowly, if it has seen you then do not run it can start to chase after you, don't climb a tree because they are very good at climbing, start talking calmly so the bear thinks you are not a threat they can't understand you but they can understand emotions. Slowly back away and if it is moving towards you then Stand your ground (black bears are timid so you should try and make yourself look bigger so it is scared of you. Finally if the bear does attack you need to fight back punch it, hit it with sticks, kick it scream anything of the sort.


What is the scout oath?

On my honor, I will do my best

To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;

To help other people at all times;

To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.


How do you recognize a second degree burn and how do you treat it?

Partial thickness burn and the skin starts to blister.

1. Run cold water or apply compress until pain is less
2. Allow area to dry completely and apply bandages
3. Don't break any blisters due to risk of infection
4. Don't apply any creams or ointments


When should you stop stoking the fire?

 at least an hour before you want to go to sleep


What is the one food that you can get a food borne illness that sounds like a fish and what is the food borne illness called?

Chicken, Salmonella

E COLI and beef are another one.


What is the most important thing to make sure of while camping?

that you don't leave litter or that you leave no trace.


What is the scout motto?

Be Prepared


Name three of the 5 main heat/cold related injuries

Hypothermia, Frost Bite, Dehydration, Heat Exhaustion, Heat Stroke


Once you extinguish a fire can you just leave and go to bed?

NO you should stay up for at least 30 minutes after you extinguish it so that nothing re-sparks even with a propane campfire.


What do you have to do any time you are finished cooking?

Make sure every pot and pan and cutting board and cooking utensil is clean of all food and other stuff


What do you do when you see wildlife on a campout?

Remain calm and do not run from said wildlife. If you run then the animal will think you are prey and can chase after you and injure you.


What is the outdoor code?

As an American, I will do my best to 

Be clean in my outdoor manners

Be careful with fire

Be considerate in the outdoors, and

Be conservation minded.


What do you do whenever you find a stranger who needs first aid, what are the steps?

Check scene, call 911, approach safely, provide first aid, protect from further injury, treat for shock, make examination, plan


What is the difference between kindling and tinder?

Tinder is what gets the fire started 

Kindling is what keeps it going for a small amount of time so you can light the logs or small branches on fire (fuel)


How can you make sure that meat is cooked thoroughly?

if it is chicken when you cut into it the insides will be white not pink. The same with many white meats. However with red meats like beef burgers you need to make sure that the inside is at least pink even if the outside is black at all.


what should you do immediately before you leave to go on a trip?

Check the forecast to see if it safe to go on the trip or postpone the trip if the weather is too dangerous.


What is the Scout slogan?

Do a Good Turn Daily
