This holiday marks the start of the next year.
New Year's Day
This talk show host and actress, born in January 29, 1954, founded OWN.
Oprah Winfrey
This actor and comedian, born January 17, 1957, hosts Family Feud.
Steve Harvey
On January 3rd, 1959, the U.S. added this state as the 49th state, making it the largest state by area.
True or False ?
January is Blood Donation Month
This holiday, celebrated on the third Monday of January, honors the life of a black American civil rights activist.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
This rock and roller, born January 8, 1935, was known as the King of Rock and Roll, and sung hits such as "Jailhouse Rock", "Can't Help Falling In Love", and "Hound Dog".
Elvis Presley
This professional boxer, born January 17, 1942, was born as Cassius Clay, and is regarded as one of the greatest heavyweight boxers of all time.
Muhammad Ali
On January 24, 1848, the discovery of this precious metal in California led to "Forty-niners" rushing to the state to seek wealth and fortune.
In what part of the world is January the warmest month?
The Southern Hemisphere
This national day, on January 4th, celebrates a type of long, thin pasta popularly served with meatballs.
National Spaghetti Day
This actress and comedian, born January 17, 1922, is most known for her role as Rose Nylund on The Golden Girls.
Betty White
This businessman, born January 12, 1964, is best known for founding Amazon, but also owns the Washington Post.
Jeff Bezos
On January 28, 1915, this branch of the U.S. military was formed, and ensures the safety and security of U.S. controlled waters.
U.S. Coast Guard
Which two zodiac signs have dates in January?
Capricorn and Aquarius
On January 13th, this national day celebrates a bath toy popular on Sesame Street and with Jeep owners.
National Rubber Duck Day
This country singer and songwriter, born January 19, 1946, was responsible for "Here You Come Again", "Love is Like a Butterfly", and "I Will Always Love You".
Dolly Parton
This actor and producer, born January 7, 1964, is known for his roles in ConAir, National Treasure, Ghost Rider, and The Wicker Man. (Not the bees!!)
Nicolas Cage
On January 27, 1973, the U.S. signed a treaty in Paris to end their involvement in this highly protested war.
Vietnam War
This red jewel is the birthstone of January.
On January 28th, this international day celebrates a popular children's toy made of small plastic bricks.
International Lego Day
This notorious Italian American gangster, born January 17, 1899, illegally sold alcohol in Chicago during prohibition, but was caught for tax evasion.
Al Capone
This professional baseball player, born January 31, 1919, was the first African American player in modern MLB, and played for the Brooklyn Dodgers.
Jackie Robinson
On January 28, 1986, this space shuttle exploded, making it the first fatal spacecraft flight accident in the U.S.
The month of January is named after this Roman god with two faces.