What Manga did we watch?
Jujutsu Kaisen
What is Nintendos Mascot?
What is the most iconic piece of origami?
What is the #1 manga in the world?
One piece
What is the term "Manga"?
Comics and Cartoon
In what year was Donkey Kong made?
What does origami stand for?
Folded paper
What Nintendo character is known for being pink and sucking things?
Which manga character has big red boots?
Astro Boy
What was one of the earliest 3d games that Nintendo made?
Super Mario 64
What was origami used for?
Decorating shrines and temples.
Who is the president of Nintendo?
Shuntaro Furukawa
Who is the first manga artist?
Kitazawa Rakuten.
In what year was the Wii released?
What does "Orikata" mean?
Folded shapes.
What is the hardest piece of origami?
Paper Dragon
What is the oldest manga called?
Choju Jinbutsu Giga.
What was Nintendo known for before its video games?
Card making company, love hotels, taxi services, and food products.
When was the NES released?
July 15, 1983