What is the art of growing a miniature tree?
What is bonsai
What is the oldest religion in Japan?
What is Shinto
Who did Japan wage war against in 1905?
Who is Russia
What dynasty has ruled Japan from the third century BC to today?
What is the Sun Dynasty
What did the Japanese call their land?
What is Nippon
What religion did Crown Prince Shotoku bring to Japan?
What is Buddhism
What is the name of the U.S. naval base in Hawaii that was attacked by Japan on December 7, 1941?
What is Pearl Harbor
Which Japanese ruler outlawed the Christian faith?
Who is Hideyoshi
What is a short, 17-syllable poem in Japan?
What is a haiku
What do people who are of Shinto religion worship?
What are nature gods and ancestors
Who won the war in 1905?
What type of government does Japan have today?
What is constitutional monarchy
What does Nippon mean in English?
What is Land of the Rising Sun
What philosophy did Crown Prince Shotoku require his people to learn?
What is Confucianism
What is the name of the city where the U.S. dropped the first atomic bomb?
What is Hiroshima
What is the name for the centuries in which a military leader ruled Japan?
What is a shogunate
What period was there a flowering of Japanese art, poetry, and prose romances?
What is Heian
Which Jesuit missionary brought the Catholic faith to Japan?
Who is St. Francis Xavier
What is the name of the city where the U.S. dropped the second atomic bomb?
What is Nagasaki
Why did Japan open itself back up to foreign trade in the 1950s?
What is Commodore Perry forced them to accept trade with the U.S.