This Sword was a common armament among Samari in Japan. It was a lethal weapon that was considered perfect in every way, shape, and form.
A/An ____ is a chain of islands found in a lake, river, or ocean (body of waters). It may be used to house many civilizations. In this case however, the Japanese.
This religon believes that people can become enlightened just like the Buddha through Medatation
Zen Buddism
In Fuedal Japan the government was called a ____.
Differences in Japanese baseball are all about respect for their fellow players and the __.
A _____ was a warrior in premodern Japan. They were well paid retainers of the Daimyo, the great feudal landlords.
Name One of the Four Main Islands in Japan.
Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu
This religon believes in Kami, and that there is not an all-powerful and knowing god.
True or False
Japan still has an Emperor.
____ eat thousands of calories every day getting it through fish stew called chunku nabe.
Sumo Wrestlers
This was considered honorable suicide by the Samauri. It would consist of one disemboweling themself.
What crop is Japan typically associated with growing?
There is no written text or rules to Shintoism. To get to a shrine in Shintoism, you must pass through a __ gate.
The ___ were the lowest class in Japan at one time.
The traditional attire that is worn at Japanese Weddings.
Kimono robe
The Samurai Code
Bushido code
What is the largest Moutain in Japan,
Mt. Katana, Mt. Kilamanjaro, or Mt. Fuji?
Mt. Fuji
Buddhism moved from this country to China to Japan around 300 or 400 BC.
In Kabuki, they act, sing, dance etc. They use a lot of makeup. The makeup helps to tell the story. Kabuki means ___, dance, skill.
Most Japanese religious ceremonies are ___.
What were the 7 rules of Bushido code?
Righteousness, Loyalty, Honor, Respect, Honesty, Courage and Consistency.
True or False
Fukushima was the name of a infamous tsunami that devestated Japan.
True or False
Shintoism worships anything natural (ie trees, flowers) They worship the forces of nature. It is the way of God.
Japan’s modern economy is a highly developed social market. Referred to as the _____.
East Asian model
What does kamikaze mean in Japanese?
Divine Wind