Classic Japan
Contemporary Japan
Pop Culture

A tradition Japanese drink. Hint: It's not Coffee

What is Green Tea?


This western holiday is gaining a lot of popularity in Japan and has even been implemented throughout the country even though it's not celebrated exactly the same as in the western hemisphere. Hint: The holiday is in October.

What is Halloween? 


The traditional Japanese religion. Hint: It's not Buddhism.

What is Shintoism?


The machines that give small prizes in capsules for a predesignated amount of yen. Hint: They are located in malls, businesses, restaurants, train stations and airports.

What are gachapon machines?

The names  of all the senseis in the UNM Japanese department. Hint: There are 4 senseis and here is the first letter of each sensei; (M B) (M K) (L B) (M M) Half credit if you can get only their first or last names.

Who are; Machiko Bomberger, Motomi Kajitani, Lorrie Brau & Mami McCraw Senseis?


Traditional Japanese clothes usually worn by women during spring and summer festivals.

What is a Yukata?


This Japanese company is the lead game system developer in Japan.

What is Sony?


Emperor during WWII.

Who is emperor Hirohito?


3 famous types of cafes in Japan.

What are; Maid Cafes, Gundom Cafes, Robot Cafes, Internet Cafes, Cat Cafes, Dog cafes, and Owl Cafes?


A UNM Japanese Culture class title.

What is Supernatural Japan, Japanese Society, Premodern Japanese Literature, Postmodern Japanese Literature, Samurai to Sony, Anime 101, Gender in Japanese Manga and Gender Roles in Japanese Society?



The Japanese terms for at least 3 of the following:

Partial credit awarded per correct answer.

-Kabuki dramatic power position (ex.

-Kabuki Male, Female role actors

-Traditional Puppet Plays

-Japanese Buddhist/Shinto Exorcists

-Famous Torii gate sightseeing location in Kyoto. Hundreds of torii gates lined up throughout the mountain.

-What is Mei?

-What are Onagata?

-What is Bunraku?

-What are onmiyoji?

-What is Fushimi Inari Taisha?


Known for as the leading transportation in Japan. Hint: It's not the Shinkansen.

What is the Japanese Railway?


The pseudonym for the courtesan who wrote Japan's first epic, The Tale of Genji.

Who is Murasaki Shikibu?


Type of sub cosplay that has the person trying to look as close to a child/doll as possible.

What is Lolita?


The class requirements to get a Japanese minor at UNM.

Eighteen credit hours in total. Of these, six credit hours are selected from Japanese language courses at the 201 level or above, with the remaining 12 credit hours of courses selected from 300 level or above.


Traditional Japanese festival in August. Traditional activities done during this festival.

Hint: It's not Akimatsuri or Natsumatsuri

What is Obon? What is cleaning family graves/tombstones? What is lighting paper lanterns? 


Osaka nightlife district.

What is Dontonbori?


The General that lead the team that wrote the Japanese Constitution following the end of WWII.

The woman who wrote in much of the equality clauses between men and women in the Japanese Constitution.

Half credit awarded per correct answer.

Who is General Douglas MacArthur?

Who is Beate Sirota Gordon?


An extremely popular Japanese icon for kids, that has been brought across the world due to its popularity levels. Hint: It's not poketmonsters. 

What is Hello Kitty?


The class requirements to get a Japanese major at UNM.

  • Twelve credit hours in language: JAPN 301 and 302 and 401 and 402.
  • Three credit hours in literature: JAPN 341 or 342.
  • Three credit hours in History selected from the following courses: HIST 251, 252, 384.
  • Three credit hours in East Asian or Chinese culture or history selected from the following courses: CHIN 320, 343, 370; HIST 251, 252, 382; RELG 263; PHIL 336.
  • Nine credit hours of electives selected from the following courses: JAPN 320, 339, 341, 342, 345, 370, *411; or any other Japan-related classes offered on campus, based on pre-approval with the East Asian Studies advisor.

The traditional 5 steps to properly show respect at a Japanese Shinto shrine. Hint: the 5th step is to pray.

What is; 1. bow deeply twice, 2. clap your hands twice, 3. bow deeply once more 4. ring the bell, 5. pray ?


Answer 2 of the 3 following statements correctly.

-Location of the famous Pokemon Center.

-Location of the famous Mugiwara (One Piece) Store.

-The Location of this picture. 

-Where is Skytree? (OR) Where is Osaka Mall?

-Where is Tokyo Tower? Where is Shibuya shopping district?

-Where is the Shibuya intersection.


The name the Chinese Empire referred to Japan as and its meaning.

What is the Land of Wo?

What are little hairy people?


The date you can purchase tickets to the Studio Ghibli Museum in Japan.

When is the 10th of the previous month?


The best Japanese club President ever!!!

Oh you know who ;)
