What is using your phone while walking, often causing accidents
the meaning of 通
what is To pass or commute
the meaning of 洋
what is Western or vast
the meaning of 持つ
What is: To have or hold
the meaning of 夜
What is: Night
What is thinking about the needs of your guests and offering the best service without expecting reward
the meaning of のために
What is: For the purpose of
the meaning of と/ら
What is: If/when
the meaning of によると
What is: According to
the process of changing a verb into the potential form
What is:
Godan verbs: change the 'i' sound before the ます to an 'e' sound
ichidan verbs: change the ます to られます
irregular verbs: change します to できます and 来ます to 来られます
the four main islands of Japan
What are Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku
"only" in japanese
What is: しか with a negative ending, だけ with a positive ending
the form a verb needs for the grammar structures つもり or よてい?
What is: Dictionary form/plain form
the difference between のに and ても
What is: のに is used when there is an emotional response to a situation, whereas ても is used to describe a situation
じんじゃ and おてら
What is: じんじゃ is a shinto shrine and おてら is a buddist temple
three ceremonies common in Japanese schools
Some examples: 始業式(しぎょうしき)、入学式 (にゅうがくしき)、文化祭(ぶんかさい)、卒業式 (そつぎょうしき)
If you want to say ほうがいいです in past tense, you replace the いい with what?
Why is this sentence wrong 電車に乗り前に電話してください
the verb before 前 should be in plain form
What is: danger
the meaning of 文字
What is: Script
what are railway fanatics
The translation of: 学校生活についての作文を書き終わりました。
What is: I Finished writing my essay about school life.
The translation of: 春になると桜の花がさきます。
What is: When spring comes, the cherry blossom blooms.
The translation of: 田中さんはヨーロッパだけでなくアジアもよく行きます。
What is: Mr Tanaka often goes not only to Europe but also to Asia.
The translation of: 着物のようなコスチュームを着ました。
What is: I wore a costume like kimono