How American are you?
Where are you from, bruh?
Some Hard Questions about Japanese American Immigrants
Sort of Hard Pre and Post-World War II Questions
2000s Pop Culture

This is the name of your U.S. Representative

Who is Matt Gaetz?


"The Ellis Island of the West"

What is Angel Island?


The ocean that Japanese immigrants most commonly crossed.

What is the Pacific Ocean?


Ten of these were set up to hold Japanese Americans during World War II to get rid of suspected spies.

What are internment camps?


Jack Black starred in this sports comedy film in 2006 that was loosely based on the real-life story of a Mexican Catholic priest.

What is Nacho Libre?


The Avengers were modeled after what alternate comic book team?

Who are the Justice League?


Who does a U.S. Senator represent?

What is they represent a portion of their state known as a Congressional District?


The first immigrants to arrive at Ellis Island were three unaccompanied minors. The oldest of the three was this person, who was awarded a $10 gold piece.

Who is Annie Moore?


This person designated the West Coast as "a military exclusion area."

Double points if you explain what this allowed to happen.

Who is Army General John DeWitt?

It allowed "eviction posters" to be posted telling the local Japanese residents that they would be evicted from their homes and gave them specific instructions on what they needed to do in the days ahead.


A significant bombing that forced the U.S. to join World War II.

What is the bombing of Pearl Harbor?


A little birdie told us that Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams were three of the four founders of what social network that launched in 2006?

What is Twitter?


This Shakespearean play is said to come with a curse.

What is Macbeth?


What are the Names of two Cabinet-level positions?  

What are: 

Secretary of Agriculture
▪ Secretary of Commerce
▪ Secretary of Defense
▪ Secretary of Education
▪ Secretary of Energy
▪ Secretary of Health and Human Services
▪ Secretary of Homeland Security
▪ Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
▪ Secretary of the Interior
▪ Secretary of Labor
▪ Secretary of State
▪ Secretary of Transportation
▪ Secretary of the Treasury
▪ Secretary of Veterans Affairs
▪ Attorney General
▪ Vice President 


Ellis Island was used for this in the early 1800s

What are pirate hangings?


This President signed a letter of apology that accompanied the first redress payments to Japanese Americans. 

Who is President George H.W. Bush?

100 people from every country were allowed to immigrate each year.
What were the effects of the McCarran-Walter Act?

In 2004, this popular ABC TV show began with Jack opening his eyes on a mysterious beach amidst a plane crash.

What is Lost?


This person holds the record for being the youngest actor in a title role for a movie in the MCU.

Who is Tom Holland?


These are the Five Flags (of government) that are flown in Pensacola.

What are the Spanish, French, British, Confederate, and American flags?


This person inspired the inscription on the plaque of the Statue of Liberty.

Who is Emma Lazarus?


On February 19, 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, which authorized what to happen.

What is authorizes the government to designate military areas “from which any or all persons may be excluded”?


List the states where interment camps where placed during the war.

What are California, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Texas, and Arkansas? 


What musical artist was anointed the nickname "Pop Punk Queen" in the early 2000s?

Who is Avril Lavigne?


This tabletop role-playing game has gained more popularity with its appearances on a well-watched Sci-Fi/ Horror show, a live-action movie, podcasts, and animated series.

What is Dungeons and Dragons?


These are the responsibilities only United States citizens have.

What is obeying laws, paying taxes, serving on a jury, and selective service? 


The First Naturalization Act stated, "any free, white, adult alien, male or female, who had resided within the limits and jurisdiction of the United States for a period of 2 years was eligible for citizenship," it was passed in this year.

What is passed by Congress on March 26, 1790?


This law practically excluded Asians and other nonwhites from entry into the United States.

What is the National Origins Act of 1924, the Johnson-Reed Act, or the Immigration Act of 1924?

The US War Relocation Authority
What is the group that controlled the internment camps?

Burger Beard, also known as Painty the Pirate, sings the theme song to this long-running and frequently meme-able animated TV series.

What is SpongeBob SquarePants ?


The Triforce can be separated into these three parts.

What are power, courage, and wisdom?


This amendment was passed by Congress on June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920.

Double points if you can tell me what it does.

What is the 19th Amendment?

It grants women the right to vote.


This was the percentage difference in the amount of immigrants detained at the two ports.

What is 40%?

Ellis Island detained 20% while Angel Island detained 60%.


The gold rush of 1849 was one of the causes of this increase in the U.S.

What is one of the periods of extensive immigration?


The name of the judge who delivered the court's opinion during this case.

Who is Justice Hugo Black?


Meredith and Olivia are two of the cats owned by this popular singer. The pets are named after leading ladies from Grey's Anatomy and Law & Order: SVU.

Who is Taylor Swift?


According to the Back to the Future trilogy, you need to reach the speed of what to initiate time travel.

What is 88 mph or 142km/h?

That is equal to 1.21 gigawatts ("jigawatts/jigowatts") of power.


These two are things Benjamin Franklin is famous for accomplishing or achievements.

What is (so many things he was a goat):

 Being a U.S. diplomat

Founding Father (He was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and actively participated in drafting the Constitution).

Contributing to writing the Treaty of Paris to end the Revolutionary War as a member of the U.S. delegation

The oldest member of the Constitutional Convention

The first Postmaster General of the United States

The writer of “Poor Richard’s Almanac” 

Starting the first free libraries

He also helped establish the Union Fire Company, the first volunteer firefighting organization in the colonies, emphasizing the importance of public safety.

Inventing: the lightning rod, bifocals, swim fins, the Franklin stove, urinary catheter, armonica (musical instrument in which you pass your fingers around the brims of glasses filled with water to create a harmony) 


List the 8 requirements to become a U.S. Citizen.

What are 

  • You must be 18 years of age or older.
  • You must have authorization to live and work in the U.S. on a permanent basis (informally known as a green card) for at least five years (or three years if married to a United States citizen).
  • You must have continuous residence in the U.S. for at least five years. 
  • Must be able to read, write, and speak basic English.
  • Must have a knowledge and understanding of U.S. history and government fundamentals.
  • You must be a person of “good moral character.”
  • You must take a loyalty oath to the United States and support the Constitution and form of government of the United States.

After the war, racism, and hate were two of the most significant examples that caused this for the Japanese Americans.

What are the barriers Japanese Americans (Asian Americans or Immigrants) faced?


Twenty years after the war this law allowed approximately 20,000 Japanese immigrants to immigrate to the United States every year.

What is The Immigration Act of 1965?


This 2004 show starred Kirsten Bell as a teen sleuth with a god of war name

What is Veronica Mars?


The theory of 42

Double Points if you can identify where this theory originiates.

What is the answer to life the universe and everything (according to Douglas Adams's popular 1979 science-fiction novel The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)?
