Ms. Jarrell's orange cat is named...
Jarrell's favorite movie is...
Pitch Perfect
Jarrell's favorite Taylor Swift album
Jarrell graduated high school in
Jarrell's favorite flower
The name of Ms. Jarrell's first ever cat!
Jarrell's relates most to this character from Little Women...
Amy March
Jarrell's favorite rapper
Mac Miller
Jarrell went here for college
University of Rio Grande
Jarrell's most recent vacation
Puerto Rico
If Ms. Jarrell adopts another cat, this is her dream cat breed...
Jarrell's never watched this popular dreamworks franchise...
Jarrell's first concert in 2014 was to see...
Maroon 5
Jarrell majored in these TWO degrees in college
High School ELA Education
English Associates
Jarrell's summer vacation this year will be...
a cruise to Bora Bora
Jarrell's favorite thing about cats' appearances
tiny teeth!
Jarrell's top 3 favorite tv shows...
Glee, Gilmore Girls, New Girl
(I will also accept Love Island)
Jarrell's most recent concert was...
Taylor Swift
Jarrell's high school had this mascot
Blue Devils
Jarrell was in these 3 musicals in high school
Hairspray, Little Mermaid, Addams Family
While it's a popular idea for cat names, Jarrell has never named her cats after...
Jarrell's favorite Disney princess...
Jarrell's favorite decade and genre of music is...
70s classic rock
Jarrell's first job was this in high school
What is Jarrell's go to Starbucks/coffee shop order?
Iced chai with flavored syrup (maple or caramel is my fav)