Grande plie
Grande plie
How many Jasper Dancers are currently on the team?
How many coaches have the Jasper Dancers had in the last 5 years?
7 coaches!
Where does NDA Nationals take place?
Daytona Beach, FL
What school won the D1A Jazz category last year at UDA?
The Ohio State University
Pas de chat
Pas de chat
What place did jazz receive when we made finals for the first time?
How many seasons did Kait coach?
What is NDA's slogan?
The work is worth it (TWIWI!)
What song did LSU perform to in their winning hip hop routine in 2022?
Like a Boy - Ciara
Center leap
Center leap
In what year were the Jasper Dancers founded?
No one knows!
What is the name of Taylor Post's company?
Taylored Events Co.
What is the minimum number of dancers that can be on stage for a routine?
What was the significance of "Dream On" for Minnesota in 2024?
It was the 20th anniversary of the team that brought Minnesota's first back-to-back win
What was the final score for hip hop in 2019?
What is the name of the flower shop Brylee used to work for?
The Front Porch Flowers
Name 5 categories on the NDA scoresheet (any style)
Performance Impression, Uniformity, Quality of Movement, Technical Elements, Choreography, Staging, Authenticity
What category do all teams that are not D1A or D1 compete in at UDA?
Death drop
Death drop
What category have the Jasper Dancers never competed in?
Game Day
According to her freshman year introduction post, what is Don's fun fact?
"I love cheese"
When was the first NDA National Championship held?
Which UDA team changed their profile pictures to dogs in a school bus that's lit on fire?
Saint Joseph's