The parent with addiction problems
Who is my dad
The initial reason I went to therapy
What is anxiety?
The type of top surgery I got
my favourite PRN medication
the reason I have chronic back pain
What is scoliosis?
The first parent to hit me
Who is my Mom?
The number of times I went to the psych ward
The age that I started testosterone
What is 18?
What my Dad recommended instead of SSRIs
What is weed?
The organ doctors thought I didn't have
What is a uterus?
The age I was at my first suicide attempt
What is 8?
The mental illness I complain about the most
What is OCD?
The inspiration for my new name
Who is a guy I met in the psych ward?
The "barriers to learning" that the psych ward staff said I have
What is easily distractable and highly impulsive
My only surgery that did not result in complications
What is top surgery?
The grade I was in when my parents divorced
What is 11th grade?
What is sertraline?
My weirdest source of dysphoria
What is my fingernail shape?
The most amount of meds I was on at one time
What is 7?
The only bone I have dislocated
What is a rib?
The day my Dad died
What is May 17th, 2023?
My least favourite medication I've tried
What is remeron/mirtazapine?
The date of my top surgery
What is March 7th, 2022
The text I sent my psychiatrist at 12 am that led to him immediately calling to make sure I was safe
What is: "I'm fat and I wanna go off my meds"
What is "incompatible with life"