What's a sweet red fruit that grows on trees?
Apples 🍎
A person riding a horse/ a person on a horse
I'm brown and round and hairy, what am I?
The pumpkin is ______ the table.
Hop like a rabbit
We are colorful and fall. We fly in the wind. What are we?
Leaves 🍂
person taking a bath/person inside a bath
I have feathers and like to stay up all night. What am I?
The rake is ______ the tree.
I eat insects and make webs. What am I?
The apple is ______ two pumpkins.
Jump like a deer
A person riding a bike, a person on a bike
I'm orange and like to hunt mice. What am I?
The leaves are ______ the ground.
Play rock scissors paper, the team that wins gets the points
rock, paper, scissors!
This is soft, cozy, and you wear it to stay warm. What is it?
A person surfing, a person on a surf board
I live in trees, but I'm no bird. What am I?
The bird is ______ the tree branch.
The other team decides what you do