What famous Reformation period theologian espoused work and its rewards as "a manifestation of what one may experience in the life thereafter?"
Who is John Calvin
Career development, like physical development, is a ___ ___ process.
What is, "Life long"
In Hansen's Integrative Life Planning Model, the third places emphasis on ______________________ .
What is "life-role integration and the importance of negotiating roles and relationships. "
When career counselors assume that one's value system (presumably, their own) is superior and preferable to another, they engage in ___________ behavior that is insensitive to their client's worldviews.
What is "ethnocentric"
____ _________ has been hailed as an absolute requirement for exploration and choice of occupations, majors, and jobs.
What is "self-knowledge"
Counselors help students or clients develop ________ expectations of what work can provide in terms of personal satisfaction.
What is "realistic"
When referring to career-making readiness of children and adolescents, the term _______ ________ is frequently used.
What is "career maturity"
On a scale of "pretty easy" to "I have been forever changed," how challenging is was this course?
No wrong answers!
What is acculturation?
What is "the process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group?"
What are the three different purposes for assessment?
1. To identify clients' needs
2. To help clients and the counselor know more about the self
3. To measure client progress or change
The early approach to career development and it's emphasis on testing clients, providing them with information, and advising them on career choices evolved from the work of ______ ________.
Who is Frank Parsons
At what age are children confronted with the tasks of developing a sense of self and basic understanding of the world of work?
What is "ages 4 to 13"
What is valuing?
What does the term "gender" describe?
The term "gender" describes the differences between masculinity and femininity.
What do racial identity models help the counselor and client understand?
RIMs help the counselor and client understand that the status of racial identity can influence the career development process on many levels.
NVGA stands for:
What is, the National Vocational Guidance Association
This is defined as a "picture of the self in some role, situation, or position" by Psychologist Donald Super.
What is self-concept?
What are the four assumptions underlying the Cognitive Information Processing Approach?
1. Career decision-making involves the interaction between cognitive and affective process.
2. The capacity for career problem solving depends on the availability of cognitive operations and knowledge.
3. Career development is ongoing and knowledge structures continually evolve.
4. Enhancing information-professing skills is the goal of career counseling.
What career development model was adapted for the use of supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning people?
What are career development theories?
What are clients in the final stage of Atkinson's Racial Identity Model (synergistic articulation and awareness) prompted to do?
Clients are prompted to objectively examine the cultural views of their own group, as well as those that may be espoused by a larger group.
Career decisions are _____ - based decisions.
What is "value-based"
According to clinical psychologist Anne Roe, children are reared in one of three main kinds of environments.
What are emotional concentration, avoidance, and acceptance
Lent, Brown, and Hackett's Social Cognitive Career Theory builds upon the assumptions, cognitive career factors, and decision-making factors first discussed in ______ _______'s Social Cognitive Theory.
Who is Albert Bandura
True or False: Persons with disabilities represent a group of individuals that experience discrimination in career development, and lag behind those without them in virtually every category.
What is "true"
Cummings, Maddux, and Casey note that "much of the career literature related to persons with disabilities focuses on persons with ________ disabilities."
What are "physical"