Early 2000’s Televison
Scandalous People
Dodged a Bullet
Sweet Treats

This TV show revolves around the lives of four scientists, of whom one is known for his catchphrase “Bazinga”

(What is The Big Bang Theory?)


This NFL player was suspended for four games in 2016, as he was accused of underinflating footballs to gain an illegal advantage

(Who is Tom Brady?)


In 1835, this former U.S. President known as Old Hickory was the first president to experience an assassination attempt, but both of the assailant’s guns misfired

(Who is Andrew Jackson?)


This Italian chocolate-based dessert contains alternating layers of sponge cake and mascarpone cheese and is topped with cocoa powder

(What is Tiramisu?)


Chris Hemsworth is known for playing this God in the MCU

(Who is Thor?)


Yankee Magazine says that this New England state is known for clam chowder, old money and being the setting of the show Gilmore Girls

(What is Stars Hollow Connecticut?)  


This former president was the first to resign after his involvement in covering up a scandal was revealed  

(Who is Nixon)


This member of the British Royal Family survived 8 attempts on her life.

(Who is Queen Victoria?)


This cookie isn’t as popular as its chocolate chip cousin because it contains a breakfast item and a specific dried fruit  

(what is an oatmeal raisin cookie)


Etown Professor, Dr.Long teaches a FYS that shows the connections between Star Wars and stories from this Asian religion

(What is Hinduism or Buddhism?) 


Despite Neil Patrick Harris being gay, he played one of the most legendary womanizers in this TV show

(What is How I Met Your Mother?)


This entrepreneur was the head of a company that lied to investors about new blood testing technology

(Who is Elizabeth Holmes)  


The CIA claims that they attempted to assassinate this dictator over 600 times over the course of the Kennedy administration

 (Who is Fidel Castro?)


Snow White would not trust a pie made with this fruit after a bad experience she had when she ate one

(What is an apple?)


Kratos from the God of War franchise was known for going on a crusade against this pantheon before settling down in the Nine Realms

(What is Greek?)


This critically acclaimed HBO show exemplifies the work and family struggles of a New Jersey mobster.

(What is The Sopranos?)  


In 2019, this actor from Empire made headlines when he made a false claim to have been the victim of a hate crime outside of a Subway restaurant in Chicago

(Who is Jussie Smollett?)


This former attorney-turned-activist survived several attempts on his life before his luck ran out in 1948

(Who is Gandhi?)


Although it was invented roughly 20 years earlier, this mode of holding a frozen dairy dessert rose in popularity at the St. Louis World’s Fair in 1904.

 (What is an ice cream cone?)


This ability from the anime series, Naruto shares a name with a Japanese deity

(Who is Susano?)


In the 2005 revival of Dr. Who, this energetic Scottish actor played the fan favorite 10th Doctor

(Who is David Tennant?)


In 2019, these actresses were involved in a criminal scheme in bribing their children into top universities (the name of one of the two will be enough)

(Who are Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin?)


During the Republican National Convention, JD Vance compared Donald Trump to this former president because, even though he was shot, he continued to run in the presidential election

(Who is Theodore Roosevelt?)


The furniture store IKEA is not only known for their difficult-to-follow instructions, but also for these rolled baked goods that are usually topped with icing.

(What are cinnamon rolls?)


In Warhammer 40k, the Primarch of the Space Marine troop known as The Salamanders was named after this Roman God of fire and blacksmithing   

(Who is Vulcan?) 
