The year the Corvette was first introduced.
a) 1963
b) 1943
c) 1953
d) 1973
What is c) 1953?
This is the infantile name given to this 2019/2020 green, pointy eared meme sensation often depicted sipping broth from a cup.
Who is Baby Yoda?
The number of sides of the most common/popular dice within D&D.
What is 20?
The name of this toy.
What is Bop It?
Jay's favorite type of food.
What is meat?
The bird for which the fastest jet in the world is named.
What is a Blackbird? (Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird)
Finish the meme: "Whoever threw that paper, your mom's a _"
In the game, this general classification of Dragons typically indicate "good" alignment.
What are Metallic Dragons?
What to do when your NES cartridge wasn't working.
What is blow in it?
Jay's favorite movie of all time.
What is Top Gun?
How the Ford Mustang got its namesake.
a) Herd of Wild Horses
b) WWII Fighter Plane
c) Henry Ford’s Wife
d) Play on words for Horsepower
What is b) WWII Fighter Plane? (WWII-winning P-51 Mustang fighter plane)
A colloquial form of "Bon Appétit" often accompanying pathetically prepared food.
What is "Bone Apple Tea" / "Bone App the Teeth"?
This is the year D&D was first published.
a) 1974
b) 1983
c) 1969
d) 1982
What is a) 1974?
The five elements used to summon Captain Planet.
What are earth, wind, fire, water, and heart?
The specific type of Lego that Jay loves building with.
What are Technic?
The three types of transmission systems a train could have.
What is mechanical, hydraulic or electric?
This classic meme was voted "Meme of the Decade" in 2010.
What is Doge?
The first official campaign setting for D&D.
a) The Forgotten Realms
b) Birthright
c) Ravenloft
d) Greyhawk
What is d) Greyhawk?
The participants in the great Cybertronian War.
What are Transformers (Autobots and Decepticons)?
The color and year of Jay's classic Corvette.
What are blue and 1972?
The type of jets primarily used in the movie "Top Gun".
What are MiG-28s (or Northrop F-5E)?
This Bag Raiders song which often accompanies still shots from memes spinning through the solar system.
What is Shooting Stars?
Three of the Eight schools of Arcane Tradition.
What are: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, or Transmutation?
This show which follow the adventures of a bush pilot and his air cargo freight business.
What is TaleSpin?
The number of different types of meat/exotic animal dishes in which Jay partook.
What is 47?