infection control
scope room
online info
how many times can use foam before washing your hands
What is 10 times you can use foam before washing your hands
when do you change your PPE in the scope room
What is anytime you touch a new scope
What is AIDET and what does each letter stand for
What is AIDET, ACKNOWLEDGE the pt's by name & everyone in the room, INTRODUCE yourself & your title, DURATION of expected time frame,EXPLANATION of the procedure process, THANK YOU for choosing AU Endoscopy
What is code pink and what do you do when code is called
What is A Missing child, staff are suppose to monitor assigned exit areas and watch for suspicious persons and the child's description
Where can you find the hospital policies
What is on the Au PAWS homepage under apps & tools- Policy Management System-Policy Tech
where is the PPE located
What is in the Pre-op cart, isolation cart, clean supply room & scope room
What do you do if you find residue on the tip of the scope after the manual cleaning processing
What is reprocess the scope and perform a protein channel check prior to transferring the scope to the clean scope room medivator
What has the unit been working on for Performance improvement
What is AIDET, improving patient satisfaction scores, decreasing patient wait time
What is Code Triage/ Code D and what do you do
What is Code Diaster, monitor supplies & ambulatory patients that can have their case delayed or postponed. Available staff will be sent to the 4 WEST amphitheater for re-routing to locations of need
What is MSDS & Where can you fine the MSDS guide manual
What is online PAWS homepage under safety-security, click on MSDS on the right hand of the page and MSDS search for chemical. Chemical Safety Office# is 1-4527
Where is the infection control manual located
What is on the AU homepage under Epidemiology resource
What is the 1st step in scope cleaning reprocessing
What is pre cleaning begins at the bedside immediately after the procedure is over, the blue sponges is disposed of in the procedure room after pre cleaning is completed
What is the time out process, when is it done and by who
What is Time out is done to identify the right patient with the right procedure. It is done in pre-op,post-op & in the procedure room by the MD and ALL team members are to STOP what they are doing,LOOK @ the patient-ID bracelet-consent & listen to the patient say their full name, birth date, what procedure is being done, allergies. It is done prior to sedation & procedure start time
What is code Black and what do you do
What is an active shooter, find the exits or a safe location call security@1-4787
Where can you find if a physician is credentialed
What is on the PAWS page click on the Blue NURSING portal icon at the top then you will see to the right of the page there is a list of boxes under NURSING EXCELLENCE to choose from, click on E>PRIV
how do you transport a dirty scope
What is you transport dirty scope to decontamination room in a blue cinch bag labeled with a red biohazard sticker wearing gloves and gown, removing dirty PPE , washing hands prior to touching the door handle
do the decontamination/scope rooms need to be negative pressure
What is: Yes, negative pressure is maintained via keeping all doors & windows shut @ all times in the decontamination rooms
how do we protect patients privacy
What is close the curtains & procedure room doors, close the computer when you step away, never talk about patients in public areas, don't give others your password to get into other programs
What is Code Code Red
What is FIRE: RACE: REMOVE persons immediately from the are, ACTIVATE the nearest fire alarm pull station & call security @1-4787, CONFINE /contain the fire by closing all doors, EVACUATE staff & patients
if you are competent to work in the Endoscopy unit, where can I find your competencies
What is sign in on the PAWS HOMEPAGE under Mosby's & work force learn to observe your testing skill results and a copy is kept in the Endoscopy Competency Book located at the main nursing desk
When do you set up new suction canisters and tubing
What is keep all packages sealed until just before use on each patient
how are you trained in the scope
What is You are Trained according to the Olympus manufacture instruction manual. Scope cleaning check-off guide is kept in the communication book at the front desk
how are you trained and kept competent in the Endoscopy unit
What is: Every year we do an annual hands on competency skills lab along with Mosby competency testing skills which are kept on each employee in the Endoscopy competency book at the front nursing desk
What is code Blue and what do you do
What is CARDIO/PULMONARY ARREST--CALL 1-2222, give location-AD2021/DHC professional building & information about patient, assist code team, keep are clear of bystanders/interference
Where can you fine the patient's rights policy & poster
What is you can find the patient rights poster in the main lobby of the hospital, you can also find patient rights policy on the PAWS homepage under Department-policy tech -& or under health system heading click on patient & family engagement, you can also call 1-7322