This group of people were allowed by the eastern Roman empire to cross the Danube river.
Who are the Visigoths?
In the second Punic war which general crossed the Alps to surprise the Romans
Hannibal (scum)
Who is the founder of Stoicism
Zeno of Citium
Who wrote the Aeneid
Publius Vergilius Maro
This rebellion was triggered after a Roman commander ordered a group of high-ranking Visigoths to be killed.
Gothic war
Which phase of Stoicism was Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius a part of
Late Stoa
Livy was a Roman historian who wrote ________
Ab Urbe Condita
How many times was Caesar stabbed
A large number of barbarians invaded Gaul in what is called______
The crossing of the Rhine
CARTHAGO DELENDA EST! was said by which politician
Cato the Elder
The most notable representative of Cynicism in Rome
Emperor Augustus exiled Roman poet _______
Where do all roads lead to
Eastern Roman author Procopius described _____ as a "barbarian term"
This Roman politician battled against Spartacus in the final days of his rebellion
What was the official religion of the eastern Roman empire
Orthodox Christianity
"sudor mihi per crura fluebatis" from which Roman writing
What was the name of the Roman currency
Denarius aureus
The Visigoths were refugees, fleeing from ________ who in turn were fleeing the _______
Ostrogoths, Huns
__________ led German forces in the battle of the __________
Arminius led German forces in the battle of the Teutoburg forest
Who is the most famous Stoic philosopher of the Roman Empire
Seneca the Younger
Which Roman poet wrote Saturae
Which Famous Roman crossed the Rubicon River
Julius Caesar