Honey Bunches of Quotes
A Rose by Any Other Name
WHO Wrote That?
The sea does not belong to despots. On its surface, men can still exercise unjust laws, fight, tear one another to pieces and be carried away with terrestrial horrors. But at thirty feet below its level, their reign ceases, their influence is quenched, and their power disappears.
What is a famous quote from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne?
“It went zip when it moved and bop when it stopped, / And whirr when it stood still. / I never knew just what it was and I guess I never will.” Tom Paxton, “The Marvelous Toy”
What is onomatopoeia?
Wrote Anne Sullivan Macy
Who is Nella Braddy?
This 2012 novel focuses on the lives of two teenagers who are struggling against cancer. Interesting trivia about this book includes the fact that the title is taken from the Shakespearian play Julius Caesar, and that Barnes and Noble shipped 1500 copies of the book three weeks before the release date on accident.
What is The Fault in Our Stars by John Green?
The Newberry Award-winning author’s notable works include Maniac Magee and the Stargirl series. After he wrote a poem about a football victory, which was published in the local newspaper without his knowledge, he realized he would be a writer, not a professional baseball player.
Who is Jerry Spinelli?
Three years have gone by. Yes, the sun’s come up over a thousand times. Summers and winters have cracked the mountains a little bit more and the rains have brought down some of the dirt. Some babies that weren’t even born before have begun talking regular sentences already; and a number of people who thought they were right young and spry have noticed that they can’t bound up a flight of stairs like they used to without their heart fluttering a little. All that can happen in a thousand days.
What is a famous quote from Our Town by Thornton Wilder?
“While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping / As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.” Edgar Allan Poe, “The Raven”
What is internal rhyme?
Wrote The Old Man and the Sea
Who is Ernest Hemingway?
A tale of redemption, set in 19th-century France, an ex-convict fakes his death to start his life over, but is relentlessly pursued by a savage inspector.
What is Les Misérables by Victor Hugo?
A French author and one of the innovators of science fiction as a genre. Wrote stories using scientific theories and principles that seemed absurd at the time, but are common today. His work is among the most commonly translated of all time.
Who is Jules Verne?
Alexander died, Alexander was buried, Alexander returneth to dust, the dust is earth, of earth we make loam, and why of that loam whereto he was converted might they not stop a beer barrel? Imperious Caesar, dead and turned to clay, might stop a hole to keep the wind away. O, that that earth which kept the world in awe Should patch a wall t’expel the winter’s flaw!
What is a famous quote from Hamlet by William Shakespeare?
“The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, / The furrow followed free; / We were the first that ever burst / Into that silent sea.” Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”
What is alliteration?
Wrote The Giver
Who is Lois Lowry?
A biographical depiction of an English ruler and his successful conquest of France, primarily the Battle of Agincourt. Apart from Hamlet, this is widely considered to be Shakespeare’s greatest play.
What is Henry V by William Shakespeare?
A celebrated short story author, known for his unique wit. Some of his great works include “The Night the Ghost Got In,” “The Night the Bed Fell,” “The Owl in the Attic and Other Perplexities,” and “The Seal in the Bedroom and Other Predicaments.” The movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is also based on one of his short stories.
Who is James Thurber?
Saturday, election day, arrived and the excitement rose to its height. An attempt was made to close all the saloons. It was only partly successful. There was a great deal of drinking going on all day. The Rectangle boiled and heaved and cursed and turned its worst side out to the gaze of the city. Mr. Gray had continued his meetings during the week, and the results had been even greater than he had dared to hope. When Saturday came, it seemed to him that the crisis in his work had been reached. The forces of good and evil were in desperate conflict.
What is a famous quote from In His Steps by Charles M. Sheldon?
“A Quietness distilled, / As Twilight long begun / Or Nature spending with herself / Sequestered Afternoon” Emily Dickinson, “As imperceptibly as Grief”
What is consonance?
Wrote The Comedy of Errors
Who is William Shakespeare?
This novel follows the growth and development of a young orphan, Pip, who inherits a large sum of money from an unnamed person.
What is Great Expectations by Charles Dickens?
He is a multi-time Newberry honoree and a professor of English at Calvin College. Notable works include Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy, The Wednesday Wars, and First Boy.
Who is Gary Schmidt?
I looked around. They were all standing. All around us and in the balcony on the opposite wall, the Negroes were getting to their feet. Reverend Sykes’ voice was as distant as Judge Taylor's: “Miss Jean Louise, stand up. Your father’s passin’.”
What is a famous quote from To Kill a Mockingbird by Nelle Harper Lee?
“The only other sound’s the sweep / of easy wind and downy flake” Robert Frost, “Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening”
What is assonance?
Wrote Sideways Stories from Wayside School
Who is Louis Sachar?
Loosely based on events of the life of the author, Tennessee Williams, this play focuses on a mother trying desperately to find a husband for her cripplingly shy daughter.
What is The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams?
One of the most widely-read and influential science fiction writers of all time, though he also wrote mystery, fantasy, and nonfiction. His best-known works include the Foundation series, the Galactic Empire series, and the Robot series. Three separate organizations have named awards after him.
Who is Isaac Asimov?