I am currently STEP's oldest pup!
Who is Farber?
The ADA stands for
Americans with Disabilities Act
What command tells the dog to go to the handler's left side?
What is Heel?
What is the best thing you can do when you see a working dog?
What year was STEP founded?
What is 2016?
I spin when I get zoomies
Who is Rolo?
Businesses can legally ask two questions about a service dog and their handler
What is:What work or task has this dog been trained to perform? Is this service animal required because of a disability?
Which command tells the dog to make a noise?
What is speak!
What is on the furniture?
Canine Companions is
What is a nonprofit organization that provides highly trained service dogs for people with disabilities, free of charge?
I am the only purple collar pup in STEP!
Who is Genie?
Animal (other than a dog) allowed to be a service animal
What are miniature horses?
Which command tells the dog to put their head onto a lap?
What is visit?
What should a dog do when food drops in front of them?
What is ignore the food and look at the handler?
Places our pups can go at UCF (Name at least 3)
What are: Classrooms, eateries, libraries/study areas, campus stores, *dorms (if it is where their raiser lives)?
We have the same mom and dad!
Who are Verde and Veggie?
How our service dogs in training have public access (since they are NOT covered by the ADA)
What is relying on the goodwill of businesses?
This professional training command allows a dog to retrieve an item?
What is get?
How should you properly interact with a service dog team? (hint: starting a convo)
What is speak to the handler not the dog?
What is a facility dog?
I currently work at a hospital in North Carolina!
Who is Trusty?
The two other acts covered previously relating to service dogs
What are the FHA (Fair Housing Act) and the ACAA (Air Carrier Access Act)?
How many commands should be introduced to a dog before they are 6 months old?
What is 13!
What is the appropriate language to use regarding disabilities?
What is person first?
Businesses that have a partnership with CC (Name at least two)
What is: Southwest Airlines, Build-A-Bear Foundation, Nickelodeon & Paw Patrol, Universal Studios Orlando, Sesame Street & Sesame Workshop?