what sport do you play with a puck
el hockey
what is todos los dias
every day
what does it mean when you use your legs in a fast paced motion
what do you do in la banda
tocar guitara
what sport requiers singing
la orqestra
what is ajedrez
what does vamos mean
to reherse
what do you do when your natacion
what sport requires hand to hand combat
artes marciales
what sport do you sing in
to do queior
what does tan mean in spanish
when a lot of people know of a word they
what do you do in bascket ball
el correr
what sports does asianjeff play
jugar videojuegos
what is photography in spanish
what does ser mean
to be
when i know something
yo conozco
what sport was daniel-san competing in
las artes marciales
what sport has 32 fighters
what sport does a tea box exist in
what is a yo form of ser
when the colts get more points then the other team they what
what does el quipo comer
el pizza
what sport involes good and foot eye corrdination