I Love Acronyms and I cannot lie
What is the Mill.
Would have also accepted the Mine or Steve Pinkerton, Charlie Johnson or Steve Rasilainen
What is the Date Saint Gobain was founded.
(Key date In October 1665, Louis XIV signed the Letters Patent, thereby officially creating the Manufacture des Glaces de Miroirs in Paris.)
Ain't nuthin but a G Thang: Name 3 of the 5 G's
What is the one on the right.
(Larger Pores = Thicker walls = higher core strength)
Pierre Andre deChalendar's Energy and CO2 Reduction Target for Saint Gobain by the year 2025
- Residual Gypsum
- Hemihydrate
- Soluable Anhydrite (AIII)
- Insoluable Anhydrite (AII)