What are my moms' names?
Wendy & Suzanne
Which town was I born in?
Cambridge, Mass
Who was my first year roomate?
What is my favorite "cuisine"?
Thai food
What is my car's name?
What is my dad's name?
When did we move to our current house?
When I was 6 months old (1999)
Who were two people in Gillett I super didn't like?
Sevval and Lena
What is one leafy green I hate?
What are my twin siblings from my sisters' dad's names?
Marley and Julian
How did my mom find my dad?
What was my favorite childhood TV show?
What is my favorite store in Northampton?
Deals and Steals
What is my favorite card game?
What is my street name at home?
Centre Street
How many first cousins do I have?
What were my childhood cats' names?
Alex and Latte
Who was my first friend after my first year roommate?
What is my least favorite Smith dining hall?
What was the name of my elementary school?
Devotion School
Where did my mom's meet?
A lesbian mixer
What preschool did I go to?
Rainbow Preschool
What is my favorite Smith house (from afar)?
Park House
What is my favorite TV show?
Grey's Anatomy
What were my fishes names?
Ivy and Bean