This iconic green statue was a gift from France in 1886.
what is the Statue of Liberty
This Star Wars villain is known for his deep voice and red lightsaber.
who is darth Vader
What is the biggest planet in our solar system?
what is Jupiter
This Roman emperor was famously assassinated on the Ides of March.
who was Julius caeser?
This Italian plumber is one of the most famous video game characters of all time.
Who is Mario?
The Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir is located in this park.
what is Central Park?
This Batman villain loves riddles and brain teasers.
Who is the riddler?
This is the most common gas in Earth's atmosphere.
What is nitrogen?
The Romans built this structure to carry water across long distances.
what is an anquaduct?
This blocky sandbox game is the best-selling video game ever.
What is Minecraft?
This famous skyscraper was the tallest building in the world when it opened in 1931.
What is the Empire State Building?
In The Lion King, this character killed Mufasa.
Who is scar?
A group of cows are called this
What is a murder
This famous amphitheater in Rome hosted gladiator battles.
What is the colloseum?
In The Legend of Zelda, this princess is often in need of rescuing.
Who is princess Zelda?