When should you be sanitizing tables/trays?
Before & after meals
After any activity that was done on the tables.
How should children be put to sleep?
Infants- Not allowed to sleep in any bouncers or on the floor. Placed back to sleep (even if they can roll over).
Toddlers-PK - 2 feet apart. Head-to-toe. No pillows. No blankets over their head.
What is the policy on lights in the classroom when you not in the room?
Classrooms should be tour ready at all time which means classroom picked up any time you are not actively engaged in play & learning.
EXCEPTION: Nothing should be picked up during an emergency or drill
Happy Grams may be used in a way that supports one of the standards listed on the Evidence of Learning Portfolio Checklist.
Something positive that they have done in the classroom.
What day do we celebrate each characters birthday?
The 15th of every month.
What items should you bring with you anytime you leave your classroom?
1. Walkie Talkie
2. Backpack
3. iPad
4. Clipboard
5. Safe School Plan *BONUS POINTS!*
What foods are NOT allowed to be served?
-Spoonful of Peanut Butter
-Hot dogs (or round sausage products)
-Raw carrots, Peas, Celery
-Whole grapes
-Round Hard Candy or gum
-Nuts or Seeds
-Hard Pretzels or Chips
-Chunks of meat larger than can be swallowed whole
*BONUS* Children under the age of one year may not be served HONEY
Who founded Primrose and when?
Paul and Marcy Erwin in 1982
Does Primrose allow dittos?
Primrose has their own templates and must be Primrose approved.
What Characters are on the Rules of the Roost?
*BONUS if you can name what Rule they discuss*
Molly - Be Kind to yourself and others
Libby - Use your listening ears and looking eyes.
Ally- Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Mia- Use your walking feet and inside voices.
Percy says, "Following the rules helps us work and play well together."
How often should you check expiration dates
What should be in your First Aid Kit?
-CPR shields
-Cotton Balls
-Children's Medication/Epi-Pens
What are the 4 Principles of Service?
Approach Each Day with Joy
Build Trusted Relationships
Connect with Warmth & Sincerity
Deliver the WOW!
A parent is extremely upset about their child getting hurt by another child. They come in the room and demand to know who bit and scratched their child today. They think their child is being targeted.
How do you respond?
- Unfortunately we cannot disclose who injured your child
- The leadership team is at the front and I think it would be easier to discuss this outside of pick up time.
- Call for the leadership team on the walkie if needed.
Who is Primrose's Mascot? And what is their character trait?
When should you use Soap and Water?
When should you use Blue Disinfectant?
When should you use Pink Sanitizer?
-Washing Tables
-Bathrooms, Cots, End of the Day Disinfecting when children are out of the room.
-Tables after soap and water.
When do you sign a child in/out?
Where do you sign a child in/out?
When transferring children (ex: 5 children to PK1 for the day) how do you sign them in?
-iPad and clipboard
-Sign them out of their classroom on their clipboard. Write first and last name on the bottom of your attendance sheet.
Where and how are things able to be hung in the classroom?
All artwork should be hung on bulletin boards.
Artwork can be in ONE designated spot on the wall-not all over.
String cannot be used to hang things in the classroom.
Bags/Purses locked in cabinets and kept away from children.
Signage should be put on the INSIDE of your cabinet doors NOT the outside. (Laundry Room Schedule, Weather Chart, Lotion/Diaper Cream)
How many children should you have during Wonder Time?
How many children should you have during Small Group?
Toddler- 2-3 children at a time (4 max) for 3-5 minutes each group
EP/PW- 3-5 children at a time for 5-10 minutes each group.
PS/PK- 1/3 of the class for each group for 10-15 minutes each group.
Name all 12 puppets & their character traits.
Erwin - Friendship - Birthdays & Art
Molly - Respect for Others - Math & Calendar
Katie - Cooperation - Life Skills
Benjamin - Generosity - Science, Nature, & Weather
Libby - Fairness - Plan for the Day
Billy - Keeping Promises - Harmony & Heart
Og - Caring - Og's Story Time
Peanut - Honesty - Reading Readiness & Vocabulary
Megy - Conservation - Technology
Percy - Courage - Happy Hearts
Mia - Citizenship - Thumbs Up!
Ally - Responsibility - Noggin' Joggin'
How often should you be doing Name to Face?
-Entering a classroom
-Leaving a classroom
-Each time crossing through the gates
-When teachers enter a classroom while covering a break/returning from break.
When should Handwashing be done?
-Upon entering a classroom
-Before/After Meals
-After diapering/toileting (ALL AGES)
-After wiping bodily fluid
-After sensory play
-When coming in from outside
Explain Primrose's philosophy on managing difficult behaviors.
Name 3 specific things that Primrose does not allow in regards to managing difficult behaviors.
Things that are NEVER allowed
-Physical punishment(hitting, restraining, shaking, etc)
-Withholding things(food/water/etc.)
-Humiliating a child
Instead of being punished, young children need to be taught appropriate behaviors.
A great way to help children is to offer “time-away” to calm down. (out-of-group activity by sending the child to a calming activity such as puzzles, sensory table) However, children should never be isolated from the group. The teacher should follow up by asking the child about his/her feelings and suggest appropriate behavior.
How would you explain his day to the parents at pick up?
Hi (Parents Name),
Johnny's had a good day today. We did have a moment where we had to work through sharing with others, however he turned his day around and had an amazing afternoon.
How do we use the characters throughout our day in your curriculum.
Erwin - Birthdays & Art
Molly - Math & Calendar
Katie - Life Skills
Benjamin - Science, Nature, & Weather
Libby - Plan for the Day
Billy - Harmony & Heart
Og - Og's Story Time
Peanut - Reading Readiness & Vocabulary
Megy - Technology
Percy - Happy Hearts
Mia - Thumbs Up!
Ally - Noggin' Joggin'