I have two dogs as pets (choose 3)
Hannah, Todd, Lamont, Tony, Alexis, Susan or Shannon
Who is Todd, Alexis and Tony
Debbie & Joe were Born is which Month?
July August September or October?
Whose Favorite drink is beer?
Maria, Michelle, Cynthia, Jeff D., Brandon or Debbie
Who is Sir Jefferey Darling
My Favorite sports team is the SC Gamecocks
Bobby, Derrick, Adrianna, Nika, Michelle or Keith
Who is Derrick
Whose biggest pet peeve is filling out forms?
Bobby, Maria, Q., Caitlin, Joe or Steve
Who is Q
I Have a dog named Duke and a Bunny Named Frankie.
Who am I?
Jasmine, Tasha, Steve or Todd
Who is Tasha
I am a Gemini
(pick 3)
Abby, Hannah, Cynthia, Q, Sophia and Joe
Who is Abby, Sophia & Cynthia
Whose Favorite drink is water? (pick 3)
Hannah, Derrick, Tasha, Elquin, Michelle, Nika or Joe
Who is Derrick, Tasha & Michelle
My Favorite thing to watch is WWE/WrestleMania (pick 2)
Cynthia, Tony, Lamont, Jasmine, Yvonne, Derrick
Who is Jasmine & Tony
Who favorite person to work with is Carla & Tony?
Jeff D., Shannon, Shanna, Lamont, Jasmine or Hannah
Who is Lamont
These 3 people have no pets
Abby, Todd, Shannon, Brandon, Alexis, Shanna and Danielis
Who is Q, Brandon & Abby
We have the Same birthday
Sophia & Abby
Lamont & Maria
Susan & Q
Yvonne & Carla
Who is Lamont & Maria
Who does not like Brussel Sprouts and cabbage?
Hannah, Adrianna, Caitlin, Tony, Shannon or Jodie
Who is Shannon
My Favorite Pastime is Fishing and my favorite sports team is the Bengals.
Tony, Jeff D., Brandon, Shanna, Susan or Tasha
Who is Shanna
My biggest pet peeve is laziness (Pick 2)
Jodie, Derrick, Adrianna, Keith, Cynthia or Jeff D.
Who is Adrianna and Keith
Which two names are names of Marias Cockatiels?
Hamilton, Stubs, Rio, Beans, Honey and Lady
Stubs & Honey
I Am an Aries (pick 3)
Shanna, Magale, Jeff S., Caitlin, Brandon, Bobby & Shannon
Magale Caitlin & Brandon
Shrimp is my least favorite food (pick 2)
Lamont, Lisa, Derrick, Joe, Yvonne, Debbie or Keith
Who is Derrick & Debbie
What is Yajaria's favorite Sport?
Baseball, Football, Soccer or Basketball?
What is Baseball
Whose First job was a bank teller?
Tasha, Susan, Shanna, Lamont or Abby?
Who is Susan
What is the name and breed of Hannah's Dog?
Border Collie- Bojangles
What is the most popular birth month at the hotel?
What is February
Who hates pumpkin pie?
Abby, Kayla, Steve, Carla, Joe or Elquin?
Who is Joe
Who's favorite game to play is Monopoly?
(pick 2)
Adrianna, Joe, Steve, Maria, Sophia Lisa and Caitlin
Who is Joe & Lisa
My favorite Music is Elevation Worship
Hannah, Nika, Bobby, Adrianna, Steve, Lisa or Ayana
Who is Adrianna